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91 Results
The R&S®QPS is a state-of-the-art millimeterwave security scanner that automatically detects potentially dangerous items carried on the body or in clothing.
Security Scanners based on microwave imaging technology for fast and efficient security operations.
Struggling with loss prevention? The answer is employee screening solutions from Rohde & Schwarz. Discover the latest in loss prevention security. Explore now.
QPS201 increases security at norwegian prisons Case Study
Security through technology - the R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanners are specifically designed to make people screening at security checkpoints faster, more effective and comfortable.
Safe, highresolution radio frequency security screening - the R&S®QPS provides highresolution security scanning for comfortable people screening at security checkpoints.
R&S®QPS201 increases security at Swiss Army logistics center - Case Study
Service Partner Agreements for R&S QPS Brochure
The R&S®QPS is a state-of-the-art millimeterwave security scanner that automatically detects potentially dangerous items carried on the body or in clothing. The scanner is used for security checks at airports, for property protection, for security at public events with a high threat potential and for access control at security-related facilities.
Der R&S®QPS ist ein Körperscanner neuester Generation auf Millimeterwellenbasis. Er dient zur automatischen Erkennung potenziell bedrohlicher Gegenstände, die in der Kleidung oder am Körper mitgeführt werden. Der Scanner wird an Flughäfen zur Sicherheitskontrolle, zum Eigentumsschutz, zur Sicherheit bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen mit hohem Gefährdungspotenzial sowie als Zutrittskontrolle in sicherheitsrelevanten Einrichtungen eingesetzt.
Le R&S®QPS est un scanner de sûreté innovant à ondes millimétriques. Il détecte automatiquement tous les objets (métalliques ou non‑métalliques) potentiellement dangereux et dissimulés dans les vêtements ou à même le corps. Le scanner est utilisé pour les contrôles de sécurité dans les aéroports, pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle, pour la sécurité des événements publics présentant une menace potentiellement élevée et pour le contrôle d'accès aux installations sécurisées.
El R&S®QPS es un escáner de seguridad de ondas milimétricas de última vanguardia que detecta la presencia de objetos en el cuerpo o en la ropa que pueden ser peligrosos. Se utiliza en controles de seguridad de aeropuertos, para la protección de la propiedad, en eventos públicos con un alto potencial de amenazas, así como en controles de acceso a instalaciones que requieren mayor seguridad.
Service Level Agreements for R&S QPS - Brochure
The R&S QPS Walk2000 is a walk-through security scanner based on millimeter wave technology.
Service Partner Agreements for R&S QPS - Brochure
28-Aug-2024 | Press Release | Security Scanner
Rohde & Schwarz at International Security Expo 2024: Loss Prevention and a safe Critical Infrastructure with Advanced Scanning TechnologyRohde & Schwarz participates in the annual International Security Expo, taking place in London, from September 24-25, 2024. At booth D30 in the Olympia main hall Rohde & Schwarz will showcase its advanced scanning solutions bringing together reliable security screening and high throughput. They offer a versatile and adaptable approach to loss prevention and critical infrastructure security, using Millimeter wave (mmW) screening, a completely touchless, safe, comfortable and convenient security approach.
19-Sep-2023 | Press Release | Security
Rohde & Schwarz and Fraport evaluate the world’s first walk-through scanner for passengersFraport began testing the world’s first walk-through security scanner for passengers at Frankfurt Airport. The R&S QPS Walk2000 from Rohde & Schwarz is designed to speed up security checks. The first of these scanners is currently in use in Concourse A of Terminal 1. Passengers simply walk through the scanner at a normal pace without stopping. The test and evaluation phase is set to last up to six months and will provide Fraport and Rohde & Schwarz with important information to help optimize the system.
05-Sep-2024 | Press Release | Security Scanner
Security Essen 2024: Sichere kritische Infrastruktur und Loss Prevention mit innovativen Sicherheitsscannern von Rohde & SchwarzRohde & Schwarz präsentiert auf der Security Essen seine Security Lösungen: eine perfekte Fusion aus zuverlässigen Sicherheitschecks und hohem Durchsatz. Sie bieten einen flexiblen und maßgeschneiderten Weg zur Loss Prevention und Absicherung kritischer Infrastrukturen. Die Verwendung von Millimeterwellen-Scans ermöglichen einen vollständig berührungsfreien, sicheren, komfortablen und bequemen Sicherheitsansatz. Als Special Guest ist das Unternehmen e-shelter am Stand vertreten. Zusammen mit essentry und e-shelter betreibt Rohde & Schwarz das Human-Centered Security Lab als Showroom in Berlin.
01-Jun-2023 | Press Release | Security Scanner
Rohde & Schwarz exhibits at AAAE 2023 with live demonstrations of security scanner portfolioRohde & Schwarz is exhibiting its comprehensive portfolio of security scanners to meet the highest level of airport security and passenger comfort requirements. Both the R&S QPS201 personnel security scanner, and the R&S QPS Walk2000 walk-through security scanner, will be on display at the Rohde & Schwarz booth at AAAE.
21-Mar-2019 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Rohde & Schwarz achieves Transportation Security Administration (TSA) certification for its R&S QPS201 security scannerThe R&S QPS201 from Rohde & Schwarz is the newest people screening system to be certified by TSA as meeting detection requirements for aviation security checkpoint passenger screening.
Reliable scanning of visitors and prisoners with security checkpoint solutions for prisons. Learn more
Discover leading airport security screening with the R&S®QPS airport security scanner. Find scanners with the highest throughput and lowest false alarm rate.
Innovative and high-performance security screening technology from Rohde & Schwarz at Denver International Airport.
A new high-resolution security scanner designed to make people screening faster, more effective and comfortable at security operations.
25-Jan-2021 | Press Release | Security Scanner
Rohde & Schwarz installs first R&S QPS201 quick personnel scanner at Kerry AirportRohde & Schwarz has installed Ireland’s first Quick Personnel Security (QPS) scanner at Kerry Airport, Farranfore, Ireland, delivering state-of-the-art technology that enables a high throughput, enhanced security, and increased safety for airport customers and staff. R&S QPS201
13-Dec-2023 | Press Release
Rohde & Schwarz Receives Transportation Security Administration Award to Supply Advanced Imaging Technology to U.S. Airport Security Screening CheckpointsRohde & Schwarz Receives Transportation Security Administration Award to Supply Advanced Imaging Technology to U.S. Airport Security Screening Checkpoints
Highest precision, simple touchscreen operation, reduced wait times and enhanced security checkpoints: R&S®QPS201
06-Sep-2022 | Press Release | Security Scanner
Rohde & Schwarz brings cutting-edge security solutions to International Security Expo 2022Rohde & Schwarz is showcasing revolutionary security scanning solutions, advanced security for loss prevention, employee screening, data centers security, high-value manufacturing, event security and airport security.