
Localização de interferências

Webinar: Locating interferers

Neste webinar, vamos falar sobre as ferramentas e técnicas necessárias para localizar fisicamente as fontes de interferência:

  • Diferentes fases da radiolocalização (geral vs. área local)
  • Ferramentas de radiogoniometria
  • Conceitos básicos sobre propagação
  • Uso de indicações visuais e outros recursos

Paul Denisowski is an Applications Engineer at Rohde & Schwarz where he specializes in interference hunting, direction finding and mobile network testing. He has over 20 years of experience in test and measurement and has previously worked in both field and R&D positions at HP/Agilent, Fujitsu and Alcatel. Paul holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University and was a visiting lecturer at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.