R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner

R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner
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R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, front view R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, side view R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, back view R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, application image R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, application image R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, side view R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, back high R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, front view R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, side view R&S®TSMx drive and walk test scanner, side view R&S®TSMx Drive and walk test scanner, front high

Key Facts

  • Various multiband and multitechnology scanners
  • Ideal for verifying the coverage of all networks at once
  • Available for drive tests and indoor measurements
  • Decodes all channels in multiple technologies
  • Frequency coverage up to 6 GHz (up to 17-53 GHz with R&S®TSME44DC/R&S®TSMS53DC downconverter)
  • 3-year warranty extension
  • NB-IoT

Optimization, troubleshooting and mobile coverage measurements with non-intrusive scanner measurements

RF measurements and Broadcast decoding capabilities in one tool with instant results

R&S®TSMx is the product family for state-of-the-art network scanners for drive and walk tests and includes the R&S®TSMA6B and R&S®TSME6. R&S®TSMx products passively capture data from the air interface, offering a pure and accurate view of RF performance and MIB/SIB/Layer 3 messages from the most popular technologies without needing to subscribe to network services.

Features & benefits

5G NR support (incl. RedCap)

5G NR support in FR1 and mmWave (17 to 53 GHz) with R&S®TSMS53DC

The R&S®TSMx6 is a future-proof hardware platform with an in-field upgrade available for 5G NR (inlc. RedCap and FrMCS) sub 6 GHz and mmWave measurements . The additional hardware (R&S®TSME44DC/R&S®TSMS53DC) needed to measure mmWave frequency bands can be installed for simplified measurement setups and reduced setup times. It performs demodulation of L3/SIB messages up to SIB21 (Release 17). 

5G New Radio
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5G New Radio

Automatic channel detection (ACD)

Automatically detect all bands and technologies

The R&S®TSMx detects active channels in a specified band. 5G NR (incl. RedCap), LTE, UMTS, CDMA2000®/1xEV-DO and NB-IoT networks are supported. A spectrum scan option to significantly speed up detection is also available. In this mode, channel lists no longer have to be set up before a measurement campaign. The measurement system dynamically identifies new channels and adds them to the workspace during drive tests.

Automatic channel detection (ACD)
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Automatic channel detection (ACD)

5G BTS position estimation

Automatically estimate cell positions in all networks

During a drive test, ROMES software can use measurement data and GPS data from the R&S®TSMx to estimate the geographic positions of base stations. The calculation is fast and accurate. GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 5G NR, CDMA2000®/1xEVDO and TETRA/P25 networks are supported in parallel. This unique feature enables users to quickly generate a base station list for export or graphic display.

BTS position estimation
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BTS position estimation

Mission Critical Testing: TETRA and Project 25 (P25)

Important R&S®TSMx6 uses include coverage and interference measurements in mission critical voice and data (MCX) networks. Fire brigades, police and other first responders use MCX networks for maximum coverage and reliability, even in emergency situations. Sufficient RF coverage and quality is essential to safety. Various regions use TETRA/TETRA DMO and/or P25 networks. The R&S®TSMx6 supports TETRA/TETRA DMO and P25 phase 1 and 2. In TETRA/TETRA, DMO system information demodulation is also supported.

Network synchronization measurements

Network synchronization in the time domain is even more important since the introduction of 5G NR in TDD mode. Improved performance thanks to perfectly synchronized networks in the time domain with the elimination of overlapping uplink and downlink time slots. R&S®TSMx6 drive and walk test scanners can measure the time of arrival offset between PPS pulses (or the internal receiver clock) and received 5G NR and LTE signal sequences to determine network synchronization quality.

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Time alignment error (TAE) measurements

Measuring the time alignment error (TAE) for network components is a special network optimization task. Filters, cables, antenna arrays and signal processing modules are potential sources for added time delays, when the signal travels from the baseband to the receiving antenna. An absolute and high precision signal arrival timestamp (UTC time with an accuracy of a few ns) is needed and R&S®TSMx6 scanners have one.

Deviation from the network timebase necessarily causes frequency drift. To measure the frequency accuracy for a 5G NR cell, R&S®TSMx6 scanners provide the precise SSB center frequency (accuracy within a few Hz).

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Web based application programming interface

The web based programming interface allows the scanners to be quickly integrated into any third-party software, regardless of the operating system. Both mobile network testing and cellular network analysis use cases are supported. See the R&S®TSMX-API brochure in the download section for details.

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Comprehensive range of accessories

We have a comprehensive range of accessories (antennas) for top system performance . The R&S®TSMS-OMN70 is a wideband omnidirectional antenna for mmWave applications with optimized walk and drive testing patterns. 

R&S®TSMS-OMN70 connected to an R&S®TSMS53DC downconverter.
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R&S®TSMS-OMN70 connected to an R&S®TSMS53DC downconverter.

C-V2X support

Cellular vehicle-to-everything network testing

Cellular V2X is the new industry standard for vehicle connectivity, improved road safety and more efficient traffic management. It enables direct communications between individual vehicles and between vehicles and network infrastructure such as road side units (RSU). The K36 option enables the R&S®TSMx to measure PC5 sidelink interface coverage and quality for reliable V2X communications.

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Available models

Available models
Frequency range
5G NR sensitivity max.
5G NR measurement speed max.
5G NR ready


Order Number 4900.0004.02

Frequency range
350 MHz - 6 GHz
0.5 kg
5G NR sensitivity max.
-149 dBm
5G NR measurement speed max.
49 Hz
5G NR ready


Order Number 4900.8005.20

Frequency range
350 MHz - 6 GHz
1.149 kg
5G NR sensitivity max.
-149 dBm
5G NR measurement speed max.
49 Hz
5G NR ready


Order Number 4902.0001.02

Frequency range
17 GHz - 53 GHz
0.6 kg
5G NR sensitivity max.
-131 dBm
5G NR measurement speed max.
5G NR ready


Order Number 4902.6000.02

Frequency range
17 GHz - 53 GHz
0,12 kg
5G NR sensitivity max.
5G NR measurement speed max.
5G NR ready


Order Number 4901.2600.02

Frequency range
24 GHz - 44 GHz
0.55 kg
5G NR sensitivity max.
-130 dBm
5G NR measurement speed max.
5G NR ready

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Use cases


Learn more about testing NB-IoT networks and targeted measurement solutions.

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4x4 MIMO

Learn more about increasing capacity with 4x4 MIMO and targeted measurement solutions.

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How to test a mobile network

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