33 Results
What is the correct pin layout of the DC inputs on the network analyzer's rear panel?
Cannot use internal display and external monitor together at the same time.
Calibration with Auto Cal Kits and inserted attenuators
How to use the User Def. Math functionality
Remote Control: Change the byte order in FORMAT REAL
Which settings should I use for the Transform Time Domain mode?
4 Port Calibration with a 2 Port automatic calibration kit possible?
Calculate the mixed-mode S-parameter from an S4P file
Mixer measurement: Conversion gain too low
Converting the real and imaginary numbers to magnitude in dB and phase in degrees.
How can I switch from remote to local state via remote control?
Improve the calibration procedure for different setups
I trigger this single sweep with the RSZVB_Send_Trigger_and_Wait_for_OPC driver, but this driver does not wait for the complete 10 sweeps. If I don't use averaging, this program is works.
Sending a remote Control Command internally
Differential data export
I have set my VNA to single sweep mode and switched on averaging with a factor of 10. But when I restart the single sweep, it stops after 1 sweep and the averaging is not done.
I want to use Port 1 and Port 3, so I tried to switch them on by setting the value to 1 (the default value) and to switch off Port 2 and Port 4 by setting the value to 0. But this does not work. How do I set the ports?
License Keycode for VNAMUC is not accepted
Changing the update display rate of a sweep with many sweep points.
Longer sweep times in CW mode
How to export Touchstone s2p files?
Most accurate way to measure the length of a cable with a VNA
Reading the magnitude (dB) and phase (degrees) values directly
What is the function of "Resolve pool link" in the calibration manager?
Loading an S-parameter file from a PC into a memory trace
Reverse sweep / backward sweep
Recall of user's own calibration kits and connectors via remote
How can I delete Cal Kit Data?
Deactivation of Ports
Source Power Calibration is very slow.
Dividing a trace by two
How to bisect the result in dB with Trace Mathematics
Restore the Auto Logon Configuration