Strategic HF communications

Strategic HF communications

Strategic HF communications – providing reachback in remote operations

Communications systems must ensure reliable, jam-resistant and encrypted information exchange. Interoperability continues to play a key role, and not just between the individual branches of a country's armed forces.

Shortwave communications are a resource that can be setup easily, offer extreme reliability and are highly valued by security authorities and organizations as well as military users all over the world.

Rohde & Schwarz provides state-of-the-art interoperable HF-radio solutions including software defined radios to support joint operations, for example between naval and land forces.

Exemplary communications system
Exemplary communications system

Exemplary communications system
The exemplary system presented in the following schematic consists of two fixed stations and one vehicular station, each with a 150 W transceiver and a communications suite, allowing email, chat and file transfers.
Since this involves long-distance communications and harsh environments, communications links via a beyond line of sight (BLOS) connection are required.

Fixed stations
Depending on the distances to be covered, the use of NVIS antennas may be favorable. All stations are assumed to have encrypted voice and data capabilities.
The proposed HF transceivers for the fixed stations are based on the R&S®M3SR Series4100 software defined radios.

Mobile station
The functionality is the same as the functionality of the base stations. The proposed HF transceiver for the mobile station is based on the R&S®M3TR software defined radio family.

Related products

R&S®M3SR Series4100
R&S®M3SR Series4100

The R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF radios support frequency hopping and provide interoperability with the R&S®M3TR family of tactical radios in all of the HF operating modes. Besides the existing HF House waveforms, the radio already includes HF wideband functionality to establish long-range data links on a 24 kHz channel. The probability to obtain permanent high data rates can be increased thanks to a well-tuned and embedded radio HF wideband concept prepared for 48 kHz channels.


The R&S®VK3150 power amplifier increases the output power of the manpack radios to 150 W PEP, thus providing medium-power/medium-range communications links. The power amplifier is therefore ideal for mobile deployment scenarios in tactical radio applications. If the need arises for a portable radio during the mission, the manpack can be easily removed from the power amplifier, without having to disconnect cables or use tools. The R&S®VK3150C seamlessly and fully supports all Rohde & Schwarz HF waveforms, including frequency hopping and ALE processes.

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