R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester

The essential in radar testing: your allrounder from lab to vehicle

R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester
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R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Hero view R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Hero view R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Front view R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Back low R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Side view R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Side view R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Front High R&S®RadEsT Radar Essential Tester, Back high

Ключевые факты

  • Dynamic and precise target simulation
  • Verify radar sensors signal level (EIRP)
  • Determine occupied bandwidth
  • Self-check capability
  • Battery powered

The essential in radar testing

Your allrounder from lab to vehicle

The R&S®RadEsT is a versatile and extensive automotive radar target simulator designed to meet all testing needs from the lab to the vehicle. The robust features, wide range of use cases and exceptional value, let the R&S®RadEsT open new possibilities in radar testing. Experience the all-rounder advantage with the R&S®RadEsT – the perfect solution for precise, reliable and dynamic radar target simulation.

Особенности и преимущества

Dynamic target simulation

The R&S®RadEsT captures the signal from the radar sensor, modifies and returns it as a simulated radar target. The simulated target can dynamically be configured on the fly for distance (2.5 m to 250 m), velocity/doppler (0 to ±500 km/h) and attenuation/RCS (> 40 dB). This allows quick simulation of moving targets and qualification of radar sensor based autonomous driving functions, e.g. automatic emergency braking (AEB) or adaptive cruise control (ACC)

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Innovative antenna design

The R&S®RadEsT has a flexible antenna design. To simulate targets from a certain angle, the R&S®RadEsT features 12 receive and 12 transmit patch antennas with different polarizations. The angle of the simulated target can be changed without mechanical movement. To deal with different radar sensors polarizations, a built-in detection mechanism can detect the antenna polarization and choose a suitable antenna pair.

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Integrated analysis functionalities

With its internal analysis capabilities, the R&S®RadEsT can directly measure key indicators of radar sensor quality such as equivalent isotopically radiated power (EIRP) and occupied bandwidth.

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Small form factor and light weight

The R&S®RadEsT is the most compact automotive radar target simulator with dimensions of just 186.5 mm × 138.6 mm × 275 mm (W × H × D) and weighing only 3.2 kg. This makes setup and integration in any test environment easy. Optional battery powered operation is available for even more portability and flexibility.

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Self-check capability

The R&S®RadEsT features self-check capability to identify discrepancies or drifts in its performance metrics and can compare them against predefined thresholds to detect any drift or deterioration in functionality. It alerts users to deviations or abnormalities in the measurement process. This feature is crucial for maintaining reliability and precision in simulation plus analysis functions, reducing downtime and ensuring consistent performance over time.

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Reduced reflections and multipath effects

Small patch antennas together with an absorber covered surface provide a clean RF frontend with very low RCS, suppressing close-range targets and potential multipath reflections.

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Shielded environment for better results

To minimize reflections and provide interference-free RF environment, the R&S®RadEsT offers small and compact shielding systems. The R&S®RadEsT-Z50 pyramidal or R&S®RadEsT-Z55 straight shielding system can be used from lab to vehicle level.

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RF frequency range object simulation 76.0 GHz to 81.0 GHz
power measurement 24 GHz, 76.0 GHz to 81.0 GHz
Artificial objects
Distance range 2.5 m to 250 m
Resolution 0.04 m (typ.)
Doppler Range 0 to ±500 km/h
Resolution 1 km/h
Attenuation (RCS) Range >40 dB
Resolution 1 dB (typ.)
System phase noise At maximum range >-115 dBc
Power measurement range
24 GHz –60 dBm to –25 dBm
(-5 dBm to 30 dBm EIRP) 1
76 GHz to 79 GHz –54 dBm to –24 dBm
(10 dBm to 40 dBm EIRP) 1
79 GHz to 81 GHz –49 dBm to –24 dBm
(15 dBm to 40 dBm EIRP) 1
Maximum ratings RX power at frontend 1 +55 dBm EIRP
TX power at frontend +10 dBm EIRP
1At 0.5 m distance from the DUT.
User interface and remote controls
Ethernet/LAN interface 10/100BASE-T
Command set SCPI 1999.5 or compatible command sets
Ethernet/LAN protocols and services VISA VXI-11 (remote control) Telnet/RawEthernet (remote control)
Ethernet/LAN addressing DHCP, static; support of Zeroconf and M-DNS to facilitate the direct connection to a system controller
Universal serial bus interface USB 2.0, high speed
Command set SCPI 1999.5 or compatible command set
General data
Environmental conditions
Temperature operating temperature range +5 °C to +45 °C
storage temperature range –10 °C to +60 °C
Damp heat +40 °C, 95 % rel. humidity, steady state, in line with EN 60068-2-78
Altitude operating 4600 m (approx. 15100 ft)
transport 4600 m (approx. 15100 ft)
Power rating
Rated voltage 100 V to 240 V AC (± 10 %)
Rated frequencies 50 Hz to 60 Hz (± 5 %), 400 Hz (± 5 %)
Rated current max. 0.8 A (50 Hz to 60 Hz)
Rated power max. 60 W
Power factor correction in line with EN 61000-3-2
Display 1.4" OLED display
Dimensions (W × H × D) with handle and stands 186.5 mm × 138.6 mm × 275 mm (7.34 in × 5.46 in × 10.83 in)
without handle and stands 186.5 mm × 112.5 mm × 275 mm (7.34 in × 4.43 in × 10.83 in)
Weight 3.2 kg (8 lb)

Доступные Варианты


Номер заказа 1344.0005.02



RADAR ESSENTIAL TESTER for simulating automotive radar echos 


Номер заказа 1341.0156.03



Shielding system pyramidal to be mounted on RadEsT - approx. length 50cm - covered by absorber material to minimize potential reflections - can be expanded


Номер заказа 1341.0156.04



Shielding system straight to be mounted on RadEsT - approx. length 50cm - covered by absorber material to minimize potential reflections - can be expanded

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Product video: R&S®RadEsT – The essential in radar testing

The R&S®RadEsT automotive radar essential tester is provides OEMS and Tier 1s with dynamic and precise target generation for debugging of reference designs and software.

сент. 21, 2024

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