10 Results
Today’s cars are highly integrated and interconnected. Up to 150 embedded electronic control units (ECUs) in a car secure a convenient and safe driving experience. Examples of ECUs include transmission control modules, ECUs for air conditioning systems, and even self-updating 5G-ready telematics control units.
Due to recent security concerns, ultrawideband (UWB) technology is making its way into automotive key fobs. Rohde & Schwarz offers a flexible test solution for the high demands of R&D and highthroughput production environments.
This application note describes the use of R&S®GTSL and R&S®EGTSL in a .NET programming environment. It shows the user how libraries and drivers generated using the C programming language can be used in applications based on .NET technology.
08-Mar-2016 | AN-No. 1SE001
This application note describes the procedure used to create LabVIEW driver libraries by importing *.DLL files from the GTSL (Generic Test Software Library) development framework for the R&S CompactTSVP. This common recipe allows all upcoming versions of the GTSL to be imported as well, for seamless deployment of R&S CompactTSVP modules.
28-Dec-2007 | AN-No. 1SP801
This application note describes the procedure used to install and deploy the LabVIEW driver libraries for the R&S CompactTSVP. All available wrapper VIs of *.DLL files from the R&S GTSL (Generic Test Software Library) development framework are now conveniently accessible via the LabVIEW menu item 'user.lib'. This common recipe also allows all upcoming versions of the R&S GTSL to be deployed, for safe and seamless updating of future R&S GTSL enhancements.
28-Dec-2007 | AN-No. 1SP805
combination test, optocouplers, compliance test, DUT, coupling factor, Combination test Expanded test method for optocouplers Combination test Expanded test method for optocouplers combination test, optocouplers, compliance test, DUT, coupling factor, Combination test Expanded test method for optocouplers Combination test Expanded test method for optocouplers combination test, optocouplers, compliance
CompactTSVP, monitoring systems, tire pressure, RF signal, microcontroller, ISM, wireless transmission Function Test of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems Function Test of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems CompactTSVP, monitoring systems, tire pressure, RF signal, microcontroller, ISM, wireless transmission Function Test of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems Function Test of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems
combinational tests, terminal equipment, test system, electrical test, telecommunicaitons, open test platform, CompactTSVP, DUT, acoustic characteristics, GTSL, diver, ETSI Combinational tests for telephone terminal equipment Combinational tests for telephone terminal equipment combinational tests, terminal equipment, test system, electrical test, telecommunicaitons, open test platform, CompactTSVP
safety electronics, production test, brake electronics, function test, ABS, ASR, ESP, CompactTSVP, GTSL,application software, wireless adapter, self-test capability Brake and Safety Electronics (ABS, ASR, ESP) Brake and Safety Electronics (ABS, ASR, ESP) safety electronics, production test, brake electronics, function test, ABS, ASR, ESP, CompactTSVP, GTSL,application software, wireless adapter, self-test