Fabian Güttge

Excellent ideas

For Fabian Güttge, software development is more than a job. It's a passion. His work inspired him to set up a working group for Linux based software dockers. For this idea he received plenty of support in the company – and was even honored with an award.

Fabian Güttge is convinced: "When we work among developers on a cross-divisional basis, we can do more than simply solve common problems. This also helps to avoid the cost of doing the same development work twice – which benefits the entire company." Every session of his working group, which meets twice a year, has a special focus. The topic is examined from a theoretical and practical standpoint. Fabian Güttge organizes and moderates the sessions with advice and hands-on support from the Training and Development department. He also has the support of his line manager and the top management. "It's a real luxury to be permitted to handle a project of this kind as a developer. That kind of support is certainly not taken for granted," says Fabian Güttge.

In 2019 he received the ONE Rohde & Schwarz Award from the Executive Board in recognition of his ideas and outstanding commitment. He sees this as an inspiration to maintain his strong commitment and to use his ideas to keep the company moving forward.

What does Fabian Güttge like about his work? And how does he tackle even the trickiest tasks? We asked him these questions. See his answers for yourself:

When do your best ideas come to you?

When do your best ideas come to you?

How do you feel about a project that is a huge success?

How do you feel about a project that is a huge success?

What do you do when you get stuck?

What do you do when you get stuck?

What do you like most about your work?

What do you like most about your work?

When do your best ideas come to you?

When do your best ideas come to you?

How do you feel about a project that is a huge success?

How do you feel about a project that is a huge success?

What do you do when you get stuck?

What do you do when you get stuck?

What do you like most about your work?

What do you like most about your work?

When do your best ideas come to you?

When do your best ideas come to you?

How do you feel about a project that is a huge success?

How do you feel about a project that is a huge success?

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