R&S®Fsx-k54 EMI measurement application

R&S®FPL1-K54, R&S®FSV-K54, R&S®FSV3-K54 and R&S®FSW-K54

R&S®Fsx-k54 EMI measurement application
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R&S®Fsx-k54 EMI measurement application
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R&S®Fsx-k54 EMI measurement application, Screenshot R&S®Fsx-k54 EMI measurement application, Screenshot

Key Facts

  • EMI measurement bandwidths and detectors
  • Limit line library as specified in the latest EMI standards
  • Test automation and reporting for fast and repeatable measurements
  • Transducer factors for antennas, cables, LISNs, etc
  • Support of Elektra EMC software

Detecting and eliminating electromagnetic interference

The EMI precompliance application (K54 option) for Rohde & Schwarz signal and spectrum analyzers is the ideal extension for EMI analysis during product development and to prepare for a smooth product certification process. Typical fields of application include commercial, automotive, avionic and military product developments (CISPR, EN, FCC, DO-160 and MIL-STD-461 standards).

Caractéristiques & avantages

Conclusive results

  • Detectors in line with CISPR 16-1-1: peak, quasi-peak, CISPR-average, RMS-average
  • 6 dB bandwidth in line with CISPR 16-1-1: 200 Hz, 9 KHz, 120 kHz and 1 MHz
  • 6 dB bandwidth in line with  MIL-STD-461 and DO-160: 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz
  • Selection of one or more transducer factors to compensate for e.g. antenna factors or cable attenuation
  • Limit lines: More than 170 EMI limit lines based on the latest versions of common EMI standards

Transducer definition (example from R&S®FPL1000)
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Transducer definition (example from R&S®FPL1000)

Selection of two transducer factors (line impedance stabilization network and related cabling).

Measurement automation

Repeatable and fast measurement thanks to automated test sequence

  • Pretesting: Sweeping of set frequency range with one or more fast detectors (e.g. peak or average) 
  • Identification of critical frequencies: Automatic detection of peaks and limit deviations as well as tabular overview of frequencies found  
  • Final measurement of identified frequencies: Automatic final measurement using detectors that require a longer measuring time (e.g. quasi-peak) and final evaluation based on the set limit line

Measurement automation (example from R&S®FPL1000)
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Measurement automation (example from R&S®FPL1000)

Two detectors are used for the sweep. The identified maximum values are listed and automatically remeasured. PASS/FAIL status is clearly shown.

In-depth signal analysis

  • Up to 200 001 sweep points for high frequency resolution even with large span/small measurement bandwidths
  • Logarithmic frequency scale for in-depth analysis of low frequencies despite wide frequency range
  • Zero span measurement for analyzing the signal behavior over time of selected frequencies with standard detectors and CISPR detectors
  • AM and FM demodulation with audio output to identify ambient interferers

Zero span measurement (example from R&S®FPL1000)
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Zero span measurement (example from R&S®FPL1000)

The signal is analyzed over time at 580 kHz. The repetition rate of the interference is 50 Hz (20 ms).

Efficient and fast

  • Limit lines: More than 170 EMI limit lines based on the latest versions of common EMI standards (CISPR/EN, FCC, MIL-STD-461 and DO-160) for fast and accurate configuration of the measurement setup
  • LISN remote control: Simplified test execution by controlling connected Rohde & Schwarz LISNs.
  • Report generation: Output of measurement results  at the push of a button

Limit line selection (example from R&S®FPL1000)
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Limit line selection (example from R&S®FPL1000)

Limit line selection for electric tools up to 700 W and definition of visibility and trace assignment.

R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test software support

The R&S®ELEKTRA test software controls entire EMC systems and automates measurements of equipment under test (EUT). R&S®ELEKTRA simplifies configuration of test systems and test descriptions in line with common standards. It speeds up test execution and paves the way to quickly generating a comprehensive test report.

Automated EMI measurement with R&S®ELEMI-E
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Automated EMI measurement with R&S®ELEMI-E

The R&S®ELEMI-E EMI test software, a simplified version of the R&S®ELEKTRA software, is ideal for EMI measurements during development.

Vidéos d'applications

Analyses de pré-conformité EMI conduite avec un analyseur de spectre R&S®FPL1000

Comment analyser les émissions conduites d'une lampe 230 V avec l'application de mesure EMI. La configuration comprend l'analyseur de spectre R&S®FPL1000 équipé des options R&S®FPL1-K54 et R&S®ENV216.

août 15, 2021

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