Hand in Hand arbeiten um die Zukunft von Cybersecurity zu gestalten

Synergien nutzen: im Sinne unserer Kunden

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity zeichnet sich durch sein Engagement in verschiedenen Kompetenznetzwerken aus. Der Austausch mit den Mitgliedern von verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Verbänden und politischen Institutionen ist ein essenzieller Part unserer Geschäftsstrategie. Zum einen leistet Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Thema IT-Sicherheit auf institutioneller Ebene. Auf der anderen Seite kommen wir damit regelmäßig in Kontakt mit exzellenten und führenden Organisationen aus dem Bereich IT-Sicherheit. Mit unserem Engagement stärken wir gleichzeitig unser einzigartiges Portfolio und das damit verbundene Know-how mit Hinblick auf State-of-the- Art-Technologie. So können wir unsere Kunden auf der Höhe der Zeit unterstützen, um angemessen mit den aktuellen und zukünftigen Cyberangriffen umzugehen.

AFCEA Bonn e.V.

AFCEA Bonn e.V.

The User Forum for Telecommunications, Computer, Electronics and Automation (AFCEA) Bonn e.V. as a non-profit association with no commercial interests comprises more than 900 personal and more than 90 company members. The personal members have come to us because of their professional background and their propensity to exchange views.

Partner of Alliance for Cyber Security

Partner of Alliance for Cyber Security

The Alliance for Cyber Security is an initiative of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), which was founded in cooperation with the Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media e.V. (BITKOM).



Bitkom is the digital association of Germany. Founded in 1999 as a merger of individual industry associations in Berlin, we represent more than 2,300 companies in the digital economy, including 1,000 medium-sized companies, 300 start-ups and almost all global players.

ECSO – European Cyber Security Organisation

ECSO – European Cyber Security Organisation

The European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) is a non-profit organization founded in June 2016. Its goal is to develop, promote and support initiatives and projects to protect against cyber threats. ECSO members include a wide range of stakeholders such as large enterprises, SMEs and start-ups, research centers, universities and associations, as well as local, regional and national administrations of the Member States, countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft

eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft

With more than 1000 member companies, eco is the largest association of the internet economy in Europe. Since 1995, he has significantly shaped the development of the Internet in Germany, promotes new technologies, infrastructures and markets, and shapes general conditions. The eco competence groups represent all important experts and decision-makers in the Internet industry and promote current and future Internet topics.



ITSMIG is an association of German companies in the field of IT security and is under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. The goal is to provide central access to German companies' products, solutions and services in the areas of biometrics, smart cards, cryptographic software, crypto devices, PKI development and more. to accomplish.



North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the hotspots for IT security in Germany. In no other place are so many companies and research institutions active in IT security. The IT security network nrw.units wants to optimally network the still young industry of IT security, to stimulate projects and to sensitize other branches and sectors to this important topic of IT security.

Security Network Munich

Security Network Munich

Bavaria, and in particular the Greater Munich area, has a critical mass of IT security companies and research institutions that already have close links. Since October 1, 2012, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology has commissioned the "Security Network Munich" to expand and intensify this network.



Bavaria, and in particular the Greater Munich area, has a critical mass of IT security companies and research institutions that already have close links. Since October 1, 2012, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology has commissioned the "Security Network Munich" to expand and intensify this network.



The industry association ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik Elektronikindustrie e.V.) represents the interests of the high-tech industry. Cybersecurity within ZVEI includes Industry 4.0, energy transition, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, e-health and smart home and living. ZVEI, with its partners such as the Cyber Security Alliance, is pursuing the goals of establishing a secure culture within the electrical industry, industrial (safety) regulation and strengthening the core competence of "industrial security" in public.

Ihr monatliches Cybersecurity-Update

Ihr monatliches Cybersecurity-Update


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