
Today’s naval platforms carry an abundance of equipment that originates from several Rohde & Schwarz application segments.

References include:

  • The German Navy’s K130 corvette, F124 and F125 frigates, Type 702 Berlin-class replenishment ship, Type 423 Oste-class fleet service ship and Type 212 submarine
  • The Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier and River-class patrol vessel alongside the Type 26 Global Combat Ship
  • The Royal Australian Navy’s Hobart-class DDG air warfare destroyers, the Bay-class HMAS Choules Landing Ship-Dock (LSD) and Collins class submarines
  • The French Navy’s Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier as well as the entire fleet (RIFAN 2)
  • The Netherlands Navy’s fleet
  • The Spanish Navy’s fleet
  • The Portuguese Navy’s fleet
  • The Danish Navy implementing NATO's BRASS EO architecture for next generation HF communications
  • Many more
Rohde & Schwarz equips the Royal Navy’s Type 26 GCS with integrated communications systems.
Rohde & Schwarz equips the Royal Navy’s Type 26 GCS with integrated communications systems.

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