Power Electronics webinar series

Power Electronics webinar series

Series of three webinars on understanding and making use of saturated inductors for switched-mode power supply design

Saturated inductors can enable size and weight reduction of switched-mode power supplies, if their behavior is well understood and they are selected in the right way. We will be talking on the fundamental concepts, models and methods of designing switched-mode power supplies.

Inductor saturation influences the behavior of the control loop of switched-mode power supplies and has to be considered during control design. We will be discussing measurement techniques for capturing saturation effects. These effects of inductors can influence EMI and are therefore often avoided. You will be learning models and tools facilitating the selection of minimum size filter inductors fitting multi-objective specifications such as noise spectrum attenuation, stability, losses, size, and part count.

Experimental measurements will illustrate the theory, techniques and methods we will be discussing.

Fundamentals of switched-mode power supply design with saturated inductors

Fundamentals of switched-mode power supply design with saturated inductors

Part 1

This webinar is intended for engineers who work on power supply designs.
Speaker: Prof. Nicola Femia, President of IPERA

Understanding inductor saturation impact on control design

Understanding inductor saturation impact on control design

Part 2

This webinar is intended for engineers who work on power electronics designs
Speaker: Prof. Nicola Femia, President of IPERA

Impact of inductors saturation on EMI

Impact of inductors saturation on EMI

Part 3

Broadcaste date: June 07, 2022

This webinar is intended for engineers who work on power electronics designs
Speaker: Prof. Nicola Femia, President of IPERA

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