On-site services

On-site services

The range of available service products may vary in different regions and country-specific. For details, please get in touch with your local R&S contact.

Precision is not a question of location or manufacturer

We are there when you need us

Downtime is a major cost factor to avoid. That's why we do everything we can to minimize the time your instruments have to be offline for calibration - all without time-consuming logistics effort. Precision is not a question of location or the manufacturer. We come to you – if necessary with our mobile calibration laboratory – all without time-consuming logistics effort. Often the necessary work can be done fastest and most efficiently at your site. This ensures that you can put your equipment back into operation as quickly as possible – whenever you need it. Standalone equipment is usually ready for use again after 24 hours. You can time us.

On-site service portfolio

Rohde & Schwarz accredited calibration

Rohde & Schwarz accredited calibration ensure compliance with international standards and calibration data traceability. Available for R&S and third-party instruments.

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Rohde & Schwarz manufacturer calibration

Our manufacturer calibration ensures that you receive a comprehensive range of services. Along with calibration, we take care of all required adjustments, software updates and hardware modifications. Only available for R&S instruemnts.

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Multivendor performance calibration

We also service equipment of third-party manufacturers. We know the relevant parameters for a definitive calibration. That is what makes us a reliable and competent partner for calibrating multi brands' instruments. Only available for third-party instruments.

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Repair service

You can depend on the precision and reliability of our high-tech products. But if they ever do need to be repaired, we ensure quick and smooth handling. If on-site repair is not possible, we look after the shipping of your equipment, regardless of whether it is sent to Rohde & Schwarz or to another manufacturer.

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Added value

Score twice

Efficient operation of your test facility is an essential part of running a profitable business. On-Site services ensures maximum availability, minium downtime.


On-Site services eliminates shipping time and saves you the effort, risk and cost of packing and transporting your equipment.


Flexibility to fullfill your individual requirements. Whatever your capacities, priorities and schedule – we can adapt to it.

Precise and traceable
  • Accredited calibration
  • Manufacturer calibration
  • Multivendor performance calibration

We can calibrate not only individual instruments but also complete systems such as those for EMC testing.

One trusted partner

On request, we cooperate with other suppliers to service your laboratory. As your general contractor, we coordinate the entire project and reliably help you to achieve your goals.


We have the flexibility to perform calibrations wherever it fits you best. Whether in a part of your laboratory, in a separate room or in our fully equipped, mobile calibration laboratory.

Calibratable quantities

On-site calibrations from Rohde & Schwarz cover a broad spectrum of measurands. We use methods based on competencies that have been proven in line with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 as well as verified and validated by national accreditation bodies.

* Also accredited

DC and low frequency RF measurands Time and frequency Optics
  • DC voltage*
  • DC current*
  • AC/DC transfer
  • DC resistance*
  • Electric power
  • Capacitance
  • RF voltage*
  • RF power*
  • RF impedance*
  • RF attenuation*
  • Pulsed measurands*
  • Time interval*
  • Frequency*
  • Wavelength
  • Optical power
  • Linearity
  • Insertion loss
  • Optical fiber attenuation
  • Optical fiber length
  • Optical attenuation
DAkkS accreditation North America

DAkkS accreditation

Accredited on-site calibration

Since 1977, Rohde & Schwarz has been operating accredited laboratories in Germany. We are continuously working to expand them. We perform pioneering work, going a step further and bringing accredited calibration directly to your doorstep. With this unique service, we can offer you convenient and cost-effective accredited on-site calibration.

EMC experts

Experts in EMC systems

We offer solutions for complex requirements

The complexity of EMC systems requires special service concepts. In addition to calibrating your T&M instruments, we also check the equipment of your labs and EMC test chambers. On request, we integrate the measurement results into your measurement software. The interplay of electronic, mechanical and pneumatic components with T&M and system equipment requires a high degree of expertise in a wide range of disciplines.

Naturally, all of our calibrations are performed in line with the relevant standards, manufacturer specifications or individual requirements, and accredited if so desired. Together with selected subcontractors, we can offer you a complete solution for your EMC test chamber. We coordinate the entire process and help you achieve your objectives.