Seminar tour - Fundamentals of Spectrum Analyzers and Vector Network Analyzers

Seminar tour - Fundamentals of Spectrum Analyzers and Vector Network Analyzers


February 14 - Vantaa
February 15 - Oulu




Markku Hintsala, Application Engineer, Rohde & Schwarz Finland Oy and Daniel Huldin, VNA Sales Engineer, Rohde & Schwarz Sverige AB

Fundamentals of Spectrum Analyzers and Vector Network Analyzers

Rohde & Schwarz welcome you to join our free half-day fundamentals seminar on the practical use and understanding of Spectrum analyzers and Vector network analyzers.

The seminar is designed for engineers or graduates that are new to the field of RF and Microwave. Seminar is aimed also for those already experienced in the field that require a brush up to improve understanding and efficiency in their day to day work.

This seminar is covering the fundamental aspects. It also introduce some of the capabilities within modern signal and spectrum analyzer and vector network analyzer platforms.

Topics to be covered include but not limited to:

Spectrum Analyzers
Presenter: Markku Hintsala, Application Engineer, Rohde & Schwarz Finland Oy

  • Fundamentals, classic principles and key performance
  • Basic building blocks, user settings and applications
  • Modern analyzers

Vector Network Analyzers
Presenter: Daniel Huldin, VNA Sales Engineer, Rohde & Schwarz Sverige AB

  • Transmission Line fundamentals
  • Hardware concept of the VNA
  • Typical measurements and result formats
  • Calibration techniques


08.30 - 09.00 Registration and coffee.
09.00 - 12.00 Seminar Demystifying SA and VNA.
12.15 - 13.00 Lunch.

Welcome to join us.

Date and locations


Date: February 14, 2024
Time: 08.30 - 13.00
Venue: room ‘Hekla’ / Technopolis, Teknobulevardi 3 - 5, Vantaa.


Date: February 15, 2024
Time: 08:30 - 13:00
Venue: room ‘Pohjola’ / Technopolis, Elektroniikkatie 3, Oulu.