CERTIUM Analysis

Air traffic control test and measurement solutions

CERTIUM Analysis
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CERTIUM Analysis
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CERTIUM Analysis
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CERTIUM Analysis
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CERTIUM Analysis
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CERTIUM Analysis
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CERTIUM Analysis, Application Image CERTIUM Analysis CERTIUM Analysis CERTIUM Analysis, Application Image CERTIUM Analysis, Application Image CERTIUM Analysis,  Application Image

Key Facts

  • Designed to keep optimal systems operation and high-quality service
  • Ensures regulatory compliance on communication, navigation and surveillance
  • Calibration and quality assurance of ground and airborne systems
  • Easy-to-use handhelds for outside operation
  • Easy to use interference hunting systems

Brief description

Broad portfolio of market-leading test and measurement solutions for air traffic control

Rohde & Schwarz provides a range of test, measurement and quality assurance equipment for civil air traffic control under the brand CERTIUM Analysis. These products ensure regulatory compliance and easy operation and maintenance of an entire system. The portfolio ranges from high-quality frequency and signal analyzers for radio, NaVaid and radar testing. It also includes solutions for automated interference hunting and IP network performance monitoring.

Caractéristiques & avantages

Broad portfolio of test and measurement equipment

Aligned set of test and measurement systems for navigation, communication and surveillance solutions

Rohde & Schwarz offers a broad portfolio for all applications within the air traffic control solution from communication to navigation and surveillance. Test and measurement solutions include high-quality frequency and signal analyzers, radio measurement and also IP quality assurance systems. These are applicable for installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, supporting everyday operations maintaining full functional system in compliance with legal requirements.

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In-depth radio testing and calibration

The R&S®CMA180 is the ATC radio testing market standard of both Rohde & Schwarz and other radios

The R&S®CMA180 test set is an all-in-one platform that performs in-depth analysis of air traffic control (ATC) radios, as well as NavAid systems such as ILS, VOR and MB. The integrated signal generator and spectrum and vector analyzer of the R&S®CMA180 allow– among other things – to analyze signal quality, perform power measurements, measure modulation frequency response and carry out squelch sensitivity tests on both the transmitter and receiver side. The battery and antenna of the R&S®CMA180 allow it to also be used as a standalone instrument, which is ideal for aircraft maintenance. These functions may also be automated with the R&S®CMArun software extension and documented in a single report. The R&S®CMA180 features an analog and an ED-137B/C-compatible IP interface. The I/Q recorder allows RF signals to be recorded via the dedicated RF ports. 

R&S®CMA180 with R&S®Series5200 radio
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R&S®CMA180 with R&S®Series5200 radio

Antenna and cable testing

VHF and UHF band antenna and cable testing using R&S®Cable Rider ZPH.

RF communications for air traffic control have specific requirements. To address these, Rohde & Schwarz has prepared a special set of measurement tools. The R&S®Cable Rider ZPH, case in point, is aimed at VHF band antenna and cable testing. It provides cable loss and distance-to-fault measurements, antenna and filter matching, power measurements, as well as entry-level interference hunting features. Other handhelds, such as the R&S®FSH or R&S®ZVH complement its already versatile profile.

Antena measurement using R&S®Cable Rider ZPH
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Antena measurement using R&S®Cable Rider ZPH

Signal monitoring and interference hunting

Clean the spectrum and identify, locate and eliminate interference using R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH or R&S®PR200

The R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH offers comprehensive spectrum monitoring functions for interference hunting. When combined with a directional antenna, the R&S®Spectrum Rider FPH can pinpoint the source of the signal on a map and listen in to the AM or FM modulated signal. For more advanced interference hunting applications, the R&S®PR200 gives you the edge. It offers real-time continuous spectrum monitoring of the entire ATC voice band at once. Even the shortest bursts can be effectively visualized. At the same time, it can also demodulate the signal on one frequency and play it out to provide acoustic feedback about the magnitude of the interference. Together with a high-precision direction finding antenna, the R&S®PR200 provides a fully automated, dynamic  estimation of the interference location during drive tests.

Interference hunting using the R&S®PR200
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Interference hunting using the R&S®PR200

VoIP and RF quality assurance 

24/7 voice quality monitoring and assurance using R&S®AVQA

The user expects uncompromising quality from end to end. To achieve this, the provider has to ensure that every element is fully functional all of the time. R&S®AVQA provides this kind of accurate and selective IP and RF monitoring by using probes to capture raw IP data at multiple network nodes and then aggregating it for analysis,  interpretation and trend  recognition. R&S®AVQA provides analytics for  ground-to-ground and air-to-ground calls. The user-friendly graphical interface of R&S®AVQA gives an overview of relevant performance metrics to give the operator real-time quantitative feedback about the state of their system and highlight particular aspects.  

Radar monitoring

Radar measuring with the R&S®ZNH handheld vector network analyzer and its numerous addons 

Simple setup of R&S®ZNH in combination with R&S®ZNH-K45 vector voltmeter makes it ideal for field use in a number of scenarios involving comparison measurements between two devices, including for calibration of monopulse radar installations. The option’s pulse measurement capability is complemented by the R&S®ZNH-K29 option. This is another modular add-on that allows R&S®ZNH to perform precise pulse and peak measurements in combination with an additional wideband power sensor. This is useful during the installation and maintenance of radar systems, since R&S®ZNH can measure pulses as short as 50 ns.

R&S®ZNH in use
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R&S®ZNH in use

NaVaids measurement and calibration

Measurement and calibration of ILS/MB, VOR, GBAS, DME using R&S®EVSF1000 and R&S®EVSG1000

R&S provides a broad portfolio on test and measurement solutions for entire lifecycle of NaVaid systems. R&S®EVSG1000 is optimal tool for field measurements on the ground, while R&S®EVSF1000 allows in-flight inspections Additionally, the portfolio comprises signal generation for receiver tests, e.g. R&S®CMA180 on-board equipment radio test set, R&S®SMBV100B and R&S®SMA100B vector signal generators. R&S®FSH vector voltmeter assists on antenna and cable testing.

Airport measurements using R&S®EVSG1000
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Airport measurements using R&S®EVSG1000

Available options


Signal level and modulation analyzer for ILS, GBAS, VOR, COM and marker beacon measurements onboard drone inspection systems

R&S®ZPH Cable Rider, front view

A fast and efficient cable and antenna measurements with spectrum analysis capability


Radiocommunications tester


Non-intrusive voice quality assurance system


A portable monitoring receiver that effectively supports spectrum monitoring, interference hunting, spectrum clearance and site testing applications.


Signal level and modulation analyzer for ILS, GBAS, VOR, COM and marker beacon measurements onboard flight inspection planes  


Signal level and modulation analyzer for ILS, GBAS, VOR, COM and marker beacon measurements on ground  


A lightweight full two-port handheld vector network analyzer with heavyweight performance  


Handheld spectrum analyzer, frequency range from 5 kHz up to 44 GHz.

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