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24 Results
The FR4 Freerider 4 backpack is a compact and lightweight backpack for walk test and drive test campaigns.
Benchmarking, optimization, walk-test The R&S®Freerider4 controlled by SmartBenchmarker application is a powerful tool for benchmarking and optimization.
Испытания методом обхода с максимальной гибкостью
Le système de sac à dos de mesure Freerider de 4eme génération est une solution compacte et légère dédiée aux campagnes de tests sur route et piétons. Avec la prise en charge jusqu'à 12 téléphones mobiles de test et des mesures avec scanner haute performance (incluant les ondes millimétriques 5G et la LTE 4x4 MIMO), il est idéal pour l'optimisation réseau, les études comparatives et l'analyse des réseaux cellulaires.
The Freerider backpack system generation 4 is a compact, lightweight solution for walk test and drive test campaigns. Supporting up to 12 test mobile phones and high-performance scanner measurements (including 5G millimeterwave and LTE 4x4 MIMO), it is ideal for network optimization, benchmarking and cellular network analysis.
Best practices for national regulatory authorities
Field measurements of network coverage and QoE are essential for regulators to validate license obligations and foster a healthy competition.
15-Apr-2024 | AN-No. 8NT14
End-to-end assessment of mobile video services - Flyer
15-Jan-2024 | Press Release | Mobile network testing
ECOI commissions Rohde & Schwarz to benchmark Icelandic mobile network quality with ETSI methodologyECOI has commissioned Rohde & Schwarz to assess and benchmark the performance, coverage and capacity of Iceland's three mobile network operators. The campaign was based on an internationally standardized, transparent process based on the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
5G network testing is important for 5G mobile network rollout, operation and optimization. Discover 5G network testing solutions from an industry leader.
03-Mar-2022 | Press Release | Test & measurement
BTRC to assess and benchmark the quality of Bangladesh's mobile networks using Rohde & Schwarz test equipmentThe Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has selected Rohde & Schwarz mobile network testing solutions to assess and benchmark the performance, coverage and capacity of the country's mobile network operators. With the goal of improving the quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for end users, the test equipment allows BTRC officials to follow an internationally standardized and fully transparent process based on the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
23-Nov-2020 | Press Release | Mobile network testing
Rohde & Schwarz enables Optus to deliver optimal 5G quality of experience with mobile network testing solutionOptus has chosen to continue their mobile network benchmarking efforts with test equipment from Rohde & Schwarz. Through a competitive tender, Rohde & Schwarz has been selected by Optus to replace the existing 4G systems and to provide multiple 5G mobile benchmarking systems. These will measure end-to-end performance of mobile networks, in voice, video and data modes as well as for signal coverage. These measurements will enable continuous improvement by Optus to the quality of experience seen by their subscribers.
Discover our highlights in test & measurement for wireless communication technlology.
The Rohde & Schwarz 5G mobile network testing solution is comprehensive with scanner-based to 5G smartphone-based data collection and with cloud-based data analytics with scoring and drill-down capabilities. All from a single source.
Learn more about the drone-based aerial and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) testing approach for mobile network performance testing.
Walk test and drive test data collection can be acheived via the new and enhanced Freerider 4 backpack which host up to 12 UEs and 4 scanners. MWC2019, 5G NR, Mobile Network Testing, Benchmarking, Drive Test, Indoor test Smartbenchmarker is the premium user interface for network benchmarking that features indoor mapping via iBwave, safe driver view, route guidance, remote monitoring and control.
This 30 minutes tech talk discloses insights about how Rohde & Schwarz develops new test methods and solutions for Mobile Network Testing.
Drive testing and benchmarking provide you with all the end-user insight that is necessary for intelligent network investment decisions.
Rohde & Schwarz supports O2 Telefónica in the Gigabit Innovation Track (GINT) Project with 5G network quality measurements
Discover advanced solutions for mobile network engineering. Explore our portfolio for early network feature testing and network planning and optimization.
14-Jun-2021 | Press Release | Wireless communications
Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates its test solutions that enable mobile connectivity, today and beyond, at MWC21 in BarcelonaMobile World Congress 2021 is set to return to the shores of the Mediterranean in June 2021. Test & measurement specialist Rohde & Schwarz will participate in the mobile industry’s premier event both live in Barcelona and virtually. By presenting its solutions for key applications based on mobile radio technology, Rohde & Schwarz is signaling its continuous commitment to the entire industry.
Learn about the different mobile network testing phases for private networks while verifying and monitoring quality and performance.
This can be realized using a QualiPoc smartphone on its own or combined with a scanning receiver such as the TSMx or full walk test and drive test systems such as the Freerider 4 backpack or Benchmarker II.