Management Cybersecurity

Management Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity

An excellent team needs strong leadership

A team of experienced executives leads Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity. Together, they perform strategic and forward-looking functions relating to the company's business activities. It is clear to everyone that a team can only be excellent if the top management offers the employees the space to perform at their best. Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity is committed to constantly maintaining leadership qualities , risk taking and a sense of responsibility.

Marian Rachow - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

Marian Rachow

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

Marian Rachow is Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity.

In his career spanning more than twenty years with various management positions at the Airbus Group, Marian Rachow completed an executive management program at Harvard Business School. In 2017, after founding several start-ups, the electrical engineering graduate returned to Airbus respectively to the management of the Airbus spin-off Hensoldt and continuously built up Hensoldt Ventures including its investments until December 2022. In addition to his role as head of innovation, he was responsible for the management of Hensoldt Cyber.

Martin Heinisch - Chief Financial Officer

Martin Heinisch

Chief Financial Officer

Martin Heinisch is Chief Financial Officer of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity and responsible for finance and controlling, IT as well as acquisition and integration.

He transferred from Rohde & Schwarz Corporate Development where he started more than ten years ago after graduating from INSEAD (MBA). At Rohde & Schwarz, Martin Heinisch established the central department responsible for the worldwide handling of corporate acquisitions and their integration.

Your monthly cybersecurity update

Your monthly cybersecurity update


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