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R&S®ESW-B1000 Wideband extension

Wideband extension for the highest testing speeds and greatest insight

R&S®ESW-B1000 Wideband extension
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R&S®ESW-B1000 Wideband extension
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R&S®ESW-B1000 wideband extension, application image R&S®ESW-B1000 wideband extension

Key Facts

  • Up to 970 MHz FFT bandwidth for highest testing speeds
  • CISPR band C and D (30 MHz to 1 GHz) measured in one segment
  • More reliability for intermittent inference with longer measurement times
  • Real-time measurements without time gaps
  • Retrofittable hardware option for the  R&S®ESW EMI test receiver

Highest speed and greatest insight for EMI testing

The R&S®ESW-B1000 and R&S®ESW-B350 wideband options extend the R&S®ESW EMI test receiver FFT bandwidth to 970 MHz. The R&S®ESW can perform measurements in real-time with no gaps between consecutive measurements in the receiver spectrogram. CISPR bands C and D can be measured in a single shot or up to 450 MHz of real-time measurements in the frequency range above 1 GHz are possible for unprecedented testing speed and interference insight.

Features & benefits

Up to 970 MHz FFT bandwidth

The bandwidth extension option can speed up measurements with an FFT bandwidth of up to 970 MHz. With just one frequency segment to cover CISPR bands C and D, measurements are faster, even with CISPR detectors. Without scanning across frequency spans, the R&S®ESW can perform continuous, gap-free measurements, making it a real-time receiver. This helps when analyzing intermittent inference in the spectrogram view.

Measurement from 30 MHz to 1 GHz in one shot
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Measurement from 30 MHz to 1 GHz in one shot

CISPR bands C and D are measured in one FFT segment with enabled CISPR detectors and a spectrogram view.

More insight into sporadic interference

With less receiver scanning, users will have more time for observations, while still achieving fast testing times. This increases likelihood that sporadic interference is intercepted and higher detection rates for high reliability and repeatability in both commercial and MIL-STD testing.

More interference insight
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More interference insight

The wide bandwidth allows for long measurement times and the best insight into intermittent interference.

Real-time analysis

The wideband option measures in real-time without any time gaps between consecutive measurements. It detects sporadic or fast changing disturbances for detailed analysis. While remaining at a fixed frequency segment, the receiver can capture signals for a practically infinite amount of time without any time gaps.

Real-time measurement of a microwave oven
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Real-time measurement of a microwave oven

Real-time FFT bandwidth of 450 MHz in the range above 1 GHz to analyze microwave out-of-band interference.

High dynamic range wideband testing

The wideband extension adds eight parallel paths to the input stage. Each path covers one frequency segment and when all are combined, the FFT bandwidth can be extended up to 970 MHz. Each path has its own preselection filter for frequency selectivity and a high dynamic range. An FPGA with high computing power combines the data streams from eight analog-to-digital converters and calculates the spectral components.

Wideband extension signal path
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Wideband extension signal path

Eight parallel signal paths and a computational unit capture and process the wide real-time FFT bandwidth.

Wideband option concept

The wideband extension is available for the full FFT bandwidth of up to 970 MHz (R&S®ESW‑B1000) and 350 MHz (R&S®ESW‑B350). R&S®ESW‑B350 can be upgraded to R&S®ESW‑B1000 with a software license. Two versions are available for either option, the R&S®ESW‑B350/B350R or the R&S®ESW‑B1000/B1000R. The “non‑R” versions do not require export licenses, but are restricted to a real-time bandwidth of 170 MHz. The “R” version is export restricted and allows real-time processing of the full bandwidth.

Existing facelift instruments are upgradeable
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Existing facelift instruments are upgradeable

If the ESW serial number is ≥ 103000, the R&S service center can retrofit the wideband option to an existing instrument.

Available models

Available models
Max. FFT bandwidth (30 MHz ≤ f < 1000 MHz)
Max. FFT bandwidth (1 GHz ≤ f < 8 GHz)
Max. real-time bandwidth
Export license free


Order Number 1345.0438.02

Max. FFT bandwidth (30 MHz ≤ f < 1000 MHz)
350 MHz
Max. FFT bandwidth (1 GHz ≤ f < 8 GHz)
350 MHz
Max. real-time bandwidth
170 MHz
Export license free


Order Number 1351.1184.02

Max. FFT bandwidth (30 MHz ≤ f < 1000 MHz)
350 MHz
Max. FFT bandwidth (1 GHz ≤ f < 8 GHz)
350 MHz
Max. real-time bandwidth
350 MHz
Export license free


Order Number 1345.0421.02

Max. FFT bandwidth (30 MHz ≤ f < 1000 MHz)
970 MHz
Max. FFT bandwidth (1 GHz ≤ f < 8 GHz)
450 MHz
Max. real-time bandwidth
170 MHz
Export license free


Order Number 1351.1178.02

Max. FFT bandwidth (30 MHz ≤ f < 1000 MHz)
970 MHz
Max. FFT bandwidth (1 GHz ≤ f < 8 GHz)
450 MHz
Max. real-time bandwidth
970 MHz
Export license free
FFT Bandwidth
TDS optimization: maximum speed, any detector, with R&S®ESW-B350/B350R option 30 MHz ≤ f < 8 GHz
RBW = 9 kHz 90 MHz
RBW = 120 kHz, 1 MHz 350 MHz
TDS optimization: maximum speed, any detector,
with R&S®ESW-B1000/B1000R option
30 MHz ≤ f < 1000 MHz
RBW = 9 kHz 90 MHz
RBW = 120 kHz 970 MHz
RBW = 1 MHz 880 MHz
1 GHz ≤ f < 8 GHz
RBW = 9 kHz 90 MHz
RBW = 120 kHz, 1 MHz 450 MHz
Receiver mode total measurement times
30 MHz to 1 GHz (CISPR band C/D) R&S®ESW-B1000/B1000R, 9 kHz RBW, 1 s MT, quasi-peak and CAV 22.5 s
R&S®ESW-B1000/B1000R, 120 kHz, 1 s MT, quasi-peak and CAV 1.8 s
1 GHz to 6 GHz (CISPR band E) R&S®ESW-B1000/B1000R, 1 MHz RBW, 1 s MT, peak and CAV 26 s
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