

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity can look back at many years of experience in the area of research and development

This expertise is put to good use in developing sustainable and innovative solutions such as data protection systems for cloud environments and encryption devices. These competencies thrive thanks to close collaborations with well-known partners in academia, e.g. the Fraunhofer Institute and excellent universities and technical colleges. Beyond that, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity works closely with specialized partners in industry and public authorities, such as the Federal Office for Information Security. Owing to the sponsorship of numerous federal ministries, the European Commission, and other drivers of innovation, many certified, field-tested and reliable solutions were developed. Their extensively applicable use cases convinced even discerning users.

Your monthly cybersecurity update

Your monthly cybersecurity update





私は、Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KGおよび本ウェブサイトのインプリントに記載されているローデ・シュワルツの事業体または子会社から、電子メールまたは郵便でマーケティングまたは広告情報(特別キャンペーンや値引きに関する情報など)を受け取ることを希望します。個人データの使用と取り消し手順の詳細は、プライバシーステートメントおよびマーケティングパーミッション(事前許諾)に記載されています。

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