


Webinar: Phase-coherent Multichannel Pulse analysis




  • 最新のレーダーおよび電子戦システムの特性評価に対する位相コヒーレントマルチチャネル信号解析の重要性
  • 位相コヒーレント測定の実行、およびタイムドメインと周波数ドメインでのパルスド信号の解析にローデ・シュワルツのオシロスコープを活用する方法
  • R&S®VSE ベクトル信号解析の独自のマルチチャネル機能によるパルスド信号の詳細解析

Dr. Luke Cirillo is a development engineer at Rohde & Schwarz for Signal Processing & Application Signal Analysis in the Test and Measurement Division. Since joining the company in 2008 Luke has worked on products for mobile communications standards such as GSM and LTE and is currently responsible for a number of radar signal analysis products. Luke obtained his bachelor degree in electronics and communications engineering from Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia and his doctorate in engineering from the Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany.

Dr. Luke Cirillo

Ezer Bennour is a product manager within the oscilloscope department at Rohde & Schwarz. His main focus is on RF applications for high-end oscilloscopes. Before joining Rohde & Schwarz in 2019, he had gained experience as an application engineer with a special focus on modular RF instruments. Ezer holds a diploma degree in electrical engineering from the University of Stuttgart in Germany.

Ezer Bennour