Protection of classified workstations

Protection of classified workstations

Securing end devices for processing classified information

When classified information is processed using IT systems, cybersecurity becomes directly relevant. Depending on the level of classification, authorities must take protective measures to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of classified information. These include technical and organizational measures such as access control, data deletion and destruction, and data backup.

With our cybersecurity software products, developed in Germany and approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the classification level VS - NUR FÜR DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH (VS-NfD/RESTRICTED), EU and NATO RESTRICTED, we enable public institutions and private companies to secure workstations in such a way that classified information can be stored and processed.

Our solutions for secure mobile and stationary work have been developed with special attention to usability and administrability, and allow high flexibility in the choice of end devices.

We believe that security should be guaranteed regardless of the operating system. Therefore, we follow a consistent zero-trust-to-Windows approach. Potential attacks on the operating system thus run into the void, and users do not have to trust potentially insecure components. All components of the security architecture come from a trusted source and can be audited by the BSI at source code level, so that users' digital sovereignty is guaranteed.

Featured content for protection of classified workstations

Case study: Secure browsing for government agencies

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Case study: High-performance VPN provides global security

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Case study: Security is the key: modern technology for police force

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White paper: Browsers as entry points for cyberattacks

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Your monthly cybersecurity update

Your monthly cybersecurity update





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