LANCOM R&S®Secure Application Gateway

Building a future lab today

Secure, remote automatic testing worldwide

Introducing a novel method for development, lab or manufacturing environment of the future - today

The Secure Application Gateway the Rohde & Schwarz vision to a safer and connected world is designed to address the increasing demand for data and network security. It also presents a holistic approach to allow testing distributed solutions at different locations while ensuring a secure integration of the customer's network infrastructure.

Instrument pools and measurement applications are accessible to authorized users at any desired location behind the protective shield of an advanced next-generation firewall that supervises all data traffic in real-time and filters the one not needed for T&M purposes. This reduces equipment downtime and costs by optimally increasing the operating grade across sites and time zones.

The groundbreaking browser-based graphical user interface puts an end to error-prone text entry and enables robust configuration. This allows the lab layout to follow the changing requirements of the operator without hardware alteration.

The LANCOM R&S®Secure Application Gateway Platform is an 'all-in-one' application platform ensuring, with LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls as on-premises centerpieces, that there is no need to adapt any code or development and debugging tools. It enables, through secure remote access to any kind of IP-based IoT devices and T&M systems in a controlled lab environment and offers cybersecurity and data integrity at the level of modern financial transactions.

LANCOM R&S®Secure Application Gateway Platform
LANCOM R&S®Secure Application Gateway Platform

Contact us for more information

Our experts

Christian Wicke

Christian Wicke

Information is the fuel of our century. Secure, remote and automatic testing has become a crucial competitive requirement.

In test and measurement and any other IP-based operation technology environments, typical enterprise IT doesn't fit.

The challenge is to harmonizing available T&M applications and systems, with specific communication and protocol requirements, of various ages and operating systems while making sure that data integrity and security are not compromised.

I answer this with the LANCOM R&S®Secure Application Gateway solution that enables highly secure and flexible remote collaboration and data control by design.

Katja Hohrat

Katja Hohrath

is a Senior Product Manager at LANCOM Systems (a subsidiary of the Rohde & Schwarz group). Her main focus is on the strategic development of the next-generation firewall product line.

Secure Application GatewayTM

LANCOM R&S®Secure Application Gateway

Enabling Future Lab environments and new hybrid engineering co-working models

The Secure Application Gateway is an 'all-in-one' application platform with LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls as on-premises centerpieces:

  • Eco-system for OT specific applications and services
  • Keep using your lab software, development or debugging tools as before
  • State-of-the-art data sovereignty. Anytime, always
Secure gateway application

LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls

As central component in the labs of tomorrow

The Secure Application Gateway with a LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall as underlying foundation combines four use case families into ONE platform:

  • enterprise-call security
  • seamless worldwide connectivity
  • digital services tailored for T&M environments
  • on-edge applications and software enhancements
AVNET MWC2021 customer video

AVNET MWC2021 customer video

Luc Langlois (Director, Global Technical Marketing at AVNET)

Distributed mmWave radio development by a multi-national team made available worldwide, across time zones and 24/7, hosted by Rohde & Schwarz:

  • Secure remote access to mmWave radio development system
  • Full control of mmWave signal chain with Xilinx Zynq® RFSoC Gen-3
  • Test equipment automation through MATLAB®
  • Co-development on best-in-class instruments

Our partner Luc Langlois/Avnet:
"We needed a best-in-class test & measurement environment allowing co-development with robust security to protect confidential waveforms and IP. The innovative solution from Rohde & Schwarz helped us leverage their test equipment and the expertise of their application engineers and cybersecurity specialists."

Related resources

Secure access to T&M devices

Our application card focuses on reducing complexity for secure access to T&M devices and applications.

Download now

Case study: "Avnet mmWave RF SoC Development"

Creating “Future Lab” conditions for Avnet.

Download brochure

Next-generation security for OPTIMA machine networks

Security solution for OPTIMA systems.

Download now

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