VS-NfD: Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity Secret Protection

Classified information and classification levels in the public & private sector

Approvals for securing classified information (VS-NfD/RESTRICTED) by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)

Classified information is facts, objects or knowledge (documents, data carriers, technical equipment or devices) for which there is a need for secrecy in the public interest is and which is classified by an official body.

The respective classification level is determined by the consequences that could arise if unauthorized persons obtain knowledge of the classified information.

Classification levels


Documents of security audits, security documentation, special instructions, duty rosters, computer network protocols, government agencies


In other words, foreign policy negotiating positions, information on critical infrastructures, plans of computer networks and configuration data of government agencies


Information on electronic warfare or parts of the German Federal Armed Forces alarm plan, documents of critical infrastructures, crypto data for the encryption of VS from the level VS CONFIDENTIAL


The overall alarm plan of the German Federal Armed Forces, the effect of decisive weapon systems, the information volume of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND)

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity solutions in accordance with BSI guidelines in government agencies and companies subject to secrecy regulations

We protect public institutions and companies with our cybersecurity solutions approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) up to classification level VS-NfD (RESTRICTED), EU RESTRICTED and NATO RESTRICTED.

Webinar recording: Secure remote workstation with R&S®Trusted VPN Client

Webinar recording: Secure remote workstation with R&S®Trusted VPN Client

Due to current events, the focus will be on information security in crises, secure home office concepts and security in cloud environments.

In our webinar recording we explain among other things

  • How this can be solved completely software-based and hardware-independent.
  • Which specifications our cryptographic procedures and security mechanisms meet.
  • How we secure access.

(The webinar is only available in German)

Learn in our webinar how home office can be secured with the first VS-NfD approved VPN client

More information about cybersecurity solutions and classified information

Flyer: Proactive protection against ransomware

The number of cyberattacks is continuously increasing. One of the most common types of attack is the use of malware: malicious software that penetrates networks. Malware has now become a kind of toolbox for cybercriminals.

Download now

White Paper: Powerful and secure data transmission

The introduction of cybersecurity solutions in companies is sometimes regarded as a necessary evil. IT security is often not seen as an integral part of the value added chain and is thus deemed an unnecessary expense.

Download now

Webinar: VS-NfD and Home office

What are the risks of home office? How can you let your employees work mobile and at home in a highly secure way? What do government agencies and government organizations need to consider?

Download now

Your monthly cybersecurity update

Your monthly cybersecurity update





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