Tactical radiocommunications

Tactical radiocommunications

Customized tactical communications solutions

Effective command and control requires reliable, secure communications structures from headquarters down to the individual soldier on the ground.

Rohde & Schwarz can provide you with fully integrated as well as modular tactical communications solutions to ensure deployment capability in stationary and mobile operation. These products and solutions have proven their value in missions and applications around the globe.

Rohde & Schwarz system solution for tactical networking
Rohde & Schwarz system solution for tactical networking

Providing secure tactical radiocommunications for network centric operations

  • Covering dismounted soldiers up to battalion and brigade command posts
  • Providing connectivity for inhomogeneous military and civil networks
  • Integrating commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), software defined military radios and existing legacy equipment
  • Integrating different communications links such as tactical communications (narrowband/wideband, line of sight/beyond line of sight), satellite communications (SatCom) and even cellular nets (LTE)

Integrated communications solutions from Rohde & Schwarz

  • Are set up as an all-IP network interface for numerous applications and independent from communications media
  • Add sensors and effectors to the common network via standardized NATO generic vehicle architecture (NGVA)
  • Support a common role concept for communications nodes that can be used for all applications

Rohde & Schwarz tactical communications solutions security features

  • Embedded radios/routers with software-defined crypto implementation
  • System security architecture covering the entire communications system
  • Hardware or software-based key generation options or adaptation to existing customer key generation

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