Security for aerospace and defense industry

Security for aerospace and defense industry

High-security solutions approved for securing classified information for secrecy protection in the aerospace and defense industry

The protection of sensitive information is subject to various legal regulations on secrecy and requires special security precautions. In this context, the protection of secrets does not only come into play in public institutions. In the private sector, too, classified information is processed, for which regulations relevant to secrecy are mandatory.

Our solutions offer the highest level of IT security for companies subject to secrecy regulations by protecting data at classified level from the workplace through the network. You thus benefit from secure interfaces and encrypted transmission paths to transfer classified data securely. The approvals granted by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) are valid for the classification levels EU and NATO RESTRICTED.

Featured content for security for aerospace and defense industry

Poster: High security for classified information

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E-Book: Proactively prevent browser based cyberattacks

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Case study: High-performance VPN provides global security

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White paper: Powerful and secure data transmission

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Your monthly cybersecurity update

Your monthly cybersecurity update

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