R&S®GB5400 Standard controller working position

R&S®GB5400 Standard controller working position
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GB5400 Standard controller working position
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GB5400 Standard controller working position
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GB5400 Standard controller working position
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®GB5400 Controller working positions, Front view R&S®GB54x0 Controller working positions, Application Image Description of the easy to use GUI R&S®GB5400 Standard controller working position

Key Facts

  • Flexible design to implement customer tailored solution with external audio boxes and monitors
  • Dual power supply and network interfaces for high reliability
  • Passive without moving parts
  • Uncompromised reliability by Quad redundancy architecture

Reach new heights in air traffic control safety

Give controllers a broad grasp of the entire network.

A versatile system such as CERTIUM needs an equally versatile user interface to accommodate all its functions while remaining tidy and structured. The R&S®GB5400 controller working positions provide a clean and intuitive GUI for users. They employ the IP network architecture's functionality to the fullest to make forwarding and cross-coupling calls across platforms easier than ever before. With the flexibility of using externa audioboxes the R&S®GB5400 is a powerful platform which can be adjusted to any customer needs

Features & benefits

Cross-functional interface

Straightforward air-ground and ground-ground communications from a common GUI

The controller working position (CWP) is the main command interface to the various VCS system functions. The R&S®GB5400 Standard CWP combines ground-ground and air-ground communications into one interface for flexible system adjustment. For example, the controller can easily cross-couple HF and VHF channels together from the CWP or cross-connect any of them to a phone line.

Coordinate voice between different media.
Abrir Lightbox

Coordinate voice between different media.

Put your controllers in command with powerful and intuitive CWPs.

Full IP system

State-of-the-art IP network architecture 

As the principal topology at the heart of the CERTIUM universe, the full IP netwotk architecture provides a common communication standard between all individual devices. The quad-redundant design provides the controller with all the advantages of scalable architecture, such as a virtual center or flexible allocation of resources, while adding an additional layer of security. Controllers also benefit from additional system integration features such as live camera feeds on the CWP screen. 

Signature R&S quad redundant IP architecture
Abrir Lightbox

Signature R&S quad redundant IP architecture

Extend the scope of a CWP system beyond legacy standards.

Flexible architecture

Modular system design

The R&S®GB5400 standard controller working positions utilize intelligent software. Following the modular design paradigm, the device fully match customer requirements. By extending this modular framework typical for our hardware solutions to software, we have created a genuinely versatile platform for a whole new level of customization.

All around integration for functional synergy
Abrir Lightbox

All around integration for functional synergy

A broad range of modular are available for both CWP form factors and enhance the universal use case.

Reliability through redundancy

Following the strict R&S quad-redundancy principles

Rohde & Schwarz believes in unconditional safety and provides the technology to guarantee it with no compromises. Our entire VCS system setup is built on redundant network interfaces. Together with redundant power supplies for every network device, they ensure maximum availability in any situation. Our quad-redundant topology goes one step further, enabling one CWP to connect to multiple VCSs, so as to minimize the probability and impact of a single device failure.

Strong links only
Abrir Lightbox

Strong links only

In the belief that a system is only as strong as its weakest link, we eliminate the weak links altogether.

Available options


Touchscreen 30 cm (12'') - Console


Audiobox Headset/Handset


Audiobox Loudspeaker (for 2 loudspeakers) 


Audiobox Recorder (two analog interfaces to legal recorder)




PTT Footswitch


Optional External AC Power Supply


Microphone (handheld) with Cable and PTT Switch (silver)


Microphone (handheld) with Cable and PTT Switch (black)


Microphone (desktop) with Cable and PTT Switch


Handset with Cable and PTT Switch


Headset Binaural Stereo with Microphone, Cable and PTT Switch


Headset Binaural Stereo with Microphone, Cable and PTT Switch


Headset Monaural Stereo with Microphone, Cable and PTT Switch


Headset Monaural Stereo with Microphone, Cable and PTT Switch

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Manufacturer's recommended retail price (MSRP). The price shown does not include VAT. Prices and offers are only intended for entrepreneurs and not for private end consumers.

Términos y condiciones:

La convocatoria es válida del 5 de Abril al 20 de junio de 2021. Participan transmisores de radio FM y TV de cualquier marca que se encuentren aún en operación. Se tomarán válidos para participar los datos registrados solo durante ese periodo de tiempo, solo se puede llenar el formulario 1 vez por persona. El acceso a ingresar datos en el formulario se restringirá el día 21 de Junio a las 00:00hrs. El 30 de Junio de 2021 anunciaremos a un ganador de cada categoría en este mismo web, por correo electrónico y a través de nuestras redes sociales. Más informacion. Anamaria@rohde-schwarz.com

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2. Todos los participantes pueden inscribirse en el sorteo entre el 1 de enero de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020 indicando su nombre, el nombre de su compañía y el correo electrónico empresarial.

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5. Los participantes pueden ganar uno de los 10 R&S®RTB2000 sorteados entre el 1 de enero de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2020:

Premio: 1 osciloscopio digital R&S®RTB2000

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11. R&S se reserva el derecho de descalificar del concurso a cualquier participante que no cumpla los presentes términos y condiciones. En estos casos, los premios también podrán retirarse con efecto retroactivo. En caso de retirarse un premio con efecto retroactivo como consecuencia del incumplimiento de los presentes términos y condiciones, el respectivo participante deberá devolverlo, corriendo con los gastos correspondientes, a la dirección de R&S indicada en el punto 1, y se sorteará un nuevo ganador.

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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.