With sophisticated equalizers and unrivaled radio parameters that overcome even challenging sky wave propagation conditions, HF-WB is a competitive alternative to SATCOM links over large distances.
Supported by software defined radios in the R&S®M3xR HF radio families.
The main purpose of beyond line of sight (BLOS) is to be able to have a long reach without the need for infrastructure. The main advantage of HF radiocommunications is the fact that the electromagnetic signals between 1.5 MHz and 30 MHz allow the use of reflection effects on the ionosphere to achieve extremely high ranges of thousands of kilometers without any infrastructure between the transmitter and receiver.
Modern automatic link establishment standards provide an automated capability to connect communications partners at any time and under any ionospheric conditions. These mechanisms use information about solar activity, geographical positions of the communications partners and the exact date. The available frequency spectrum is scanned and coordinated with potential communications partners. The results of connectivity over frequency range are stored and continuously updated within and by the radios.
With the development of new technologies such as WBHF, HF is no longer limited to voice and very small data rates. It can now also accommodate IP data, video and imaging and become an alternative to satellite communications.