Key facts
- Supports Rohde & Schwarz radios and all frequencies
- Support of voice and data services
- Software for network planning, mission file generation and distribution
- Embedded secure voice and data capability
- Comprehensive waveform support
Key facts
R&S®RNMS3000 software supports centralized network management, where a central organizational unit performs complete mission planning as well as decentralized management, where the various configuration steps are made at different military hierarchy levels. The R&S®RNMS3000 software suite includes a mission planner, remote device loader and remote distributor.
The objective is to provide secured radiocommunications networks that are tailored to the mission. R&S®RNMS3000 software can manage NATO-specific waveforms, general HF house waveforms and Rohde & Schwarz proprietary waveforms, underlining its broad range of applications.