25 Results
The R&S®HMC8015 power analyzer provides seamless acquisition and realtime signal processing and accelerates the measurement.
All electronic devices contain capacitive or inductive components that can cause a disproportionately high current while switching on the device.
R&S®HMC8015 Power Analyzer Comprehensive Power Analysis in a compact package - Fact Sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
Models: R&S®HMC8015, R&S®HMC8015-G
Models: R&S®HMC8015, R&S®HMC8015-G
Models: R&S®HMC8015, R&S®HMC8015-G
I use my HMC8015 to log the measurement over a longer time. Can you please specify the logging time accuracy for the HMC8015 Power Analyzer? How stable is the time base?
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®HMC8015 Power Analyzer.
Programming Examples HMC8015.
Rohde & Schwarz SCPI Manual for R&S® HMC8015 Power Analyzer.
HMC8015 - Exteneded measurement in compliance tests.
Can you tell me a formula to calculate the so called pre arcing time (I²t) to avoid the internal fuse to be blown?
In the user manual I can find no information about the sample rate of the device. Also I would like to know, which value(s) will be transferred to the software.
R&S®HMC8015 | Power Analyzer | Rohde & Schwarz | Try the R&S®HMC8015 Power Analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz and be amazed by its functional variety, its intuitive handling and the typical R&S reliability.
R&S®HMC8015 | Power Analyzer | Rohde & Schwarz | Try the R&S®HMC8015 Power Analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz and be amazed by its functional variety, its intuitive handling and the typical R&S reliability.
R&S®HMC8015 | Power Analyzer | Rohde & Schwarz | Try the R&S®HMC8015 Power Analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz and be amazed by its functional variety, its intuitive handling and the typical R&S reliability.
Crest Factor
Remote Control Protocol using the HMC Series
I wrote a remote control script for my HMC series instrument which should get the log data I wrote to an external USB stick before. Using "EXT" will throw the error "File name not found". When I take a look at the USB stick on my PC, I can see that it definitely wrote the file to DRIVE:\Data\LOGFILE.CSV.
Rohde & Schwarz introduces new R&S NPA family of compact power analyzers for all power measurement requirementsA new family of Rohde & Schwarz power analyzers is now available in three models to meet all requirements for measuring voltage, current, power and total harmonic distortion on both DC and AC sources. The R&S NPA101 power meter provides all basic measurements, the R&S NPA501 power analyzer adds enhanced measurement functions and graphical analysis, and the R&S NPA701 compliance tester includes evaluation functions in line with IEC 62301 and EN 50564 for power consumption and EN 61000-3-2 for EMC harmonic emission testing.
Today virtually every electronic device has a standby mode. Power consumption is regulated in most countries by increasingly stringent limits. This makes standardized power measurement essential.