R&S®AdVISE Visual inspection software

Cut out human lack of attention errors

R&S®AdVISE Visual inspection software
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R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software, screenshot

Key facts

  • Automated EUT monitoring based on camera signal evaluation
  • Continuous monitoring of up to 32 regions on the EUT in parallel
  • Optional image tracking to compensate for EUT and camera vibrations
  • Creation of event-controlled video protocols and test reports
  • Optional automatic event detection based on machine learning

At a glance

R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software automates the visual monitoring of equipment under test (EUT) during a test sequence with a video stream from cameras. The process helps prevent human error while generating reproducible results and simplifying test documentation. A typical application is susceptibility testing of electronic products with R&S®ELEKTRA EMC test automation software.

Features & benefits

System concept

Flexible and economical

  • Runs on any Windows 10 controller that meets minimum system requirements
  • Video grabbing via off-the-shelf portable frame grabber hardware
  • Supports multiviewers to analyze the video from up to four cameras in parallel

R&S®AdVISE setup
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R&S®AdVISE setup

R&S®AdVISE setup in a networked system with EMC control software.

Wide range of powerful test methods

Regions of interest

The R&S®AdVISE system is defined by regions of interest (ROI).. Several analytical methods cover a broad range of visual inspections:

  • Automatic event detection assistant (uses artificial intelligence)
  • Presence or absence of symbols and icons
  • Indicator brightness and color
  • Analog indicator position
  • Flashing indicator
  • Motion detection
  • Disturbance of displays
  • Optical character recognition OCR (optional)
  • Audio monitoring (optional)

Automatic event detection assistant

Artificial intelligence inside for time-saving setup routines (optional)

The optional automatic event recognition assistant ROI eliminates the need to select and configure individual ROIs. Machine learning uses a short recording of the desired EUT behavior as training material and the ROI automatically detects and marks events in the video stream that may contain faulty behavior. The user can approve or discard the suggestions from automatically detected events.

Image tracking

Optional R&S®ADV-K1062

Automate visual inspections, even if running motors, shaky turntables or unstable camera suspensions cause vibrations. Also simplifies camera repositioning

Video protocol and test report

Integrated protocol utilities

R&S®AdVISE creates a video protocol and an event list. The indexing feature in the integrated video player is what sets the system usability apart. Users can go to any event in the video just by clicking on the event information. The player also lets users collect a single frame as a JPEG image and to collect a video clip for reports or archiving. The event list itself can be saved as a PDF test report.

Event controlled video protocol
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Event controlled video protocol

Show any event in the video by clicking on the event information

Remote control

R&S®AdVISE has a remote control interface with EMC test automation software

Generic remote control interface:

  • Open for any external control software
  • Passes summary Go/NoGo information to the control software
  • Control software can transmit test information to be inserted into the incoming and recorded video
Extended remote control interface:
  • Supported in R&S EMC control software R&S®ELEKTRA;
  • Provides a generic remote control interface and test results for individual ROIs and graphical processing in R&S®ELEKTRA;

Measurement view overlaid EMS test conditions
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Measurement view overlaid EMS test conditions

Available options

Base unit

Order number 1434.6660.02

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License dongle


Order number 1434.6518.02

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Visual inspection software

Software options

Order number 1434.6524.02

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Extension to 32 ROI


Order number 1434.6530.02

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Virtual camera


Order number 1434.6601.02

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ROI Optical caracter recognition for text and numbers


Order number 1434.6618.02

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ROI Audio


Order number 1434.6560.02

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Image Tracking


Order number 1434.6576.02

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Automatic Detection Assistant ROI

Related videos

R&S®AdVISE Visual Inspection Software - The Tracking Feature


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