Drone and drone pilot with remote control at an airport

Countering drones

Detect and defend remote-controlled drones

Drones, that fly above prohibited areas are an increasing security risk. Remote-controlled drones repeatedly violated the privacy of people and the boundaries of protected areas. Some careless drone pilots may not be aware that they present a danger to people and property. Additionally there are operators who knowingly engage in illegal activities – for example, invasion of privacy, smuggling and industrial espionage. Regardless of the drone pilot’s intension, drones pose a serious security risk.

Rohde & Schwarz offers R&S®ARDRONIS as ideal approach for the demanding applications in drone monitoring and countermeasures. It meets the challenges of countering radio¬controlled drones by intercepting the radiocommunications link to reliably detect and capture the direction of pilots and drones.

R&S®ARDRONIS further is part of the drone defense system GUARDION, a cooperation of Rohde & Schwarz, ESG and Diehl Defence.

RF technology in multi-sensor systems

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RF technology in multi-sensor systems

Register now and learn more about the role of RF technology in multi-sensor systems and how ARDRONIS, the Rohde & Schwarz counter UAS solution, adds value to your multi-sensor system.


Systems for countering drones


The R&S®ARDRONIS automatic radio-controlled drone identification solution is a comprehensive solution with specialized capabilities for detecting, identifying, classifying, direction finding, recording and disrupting the remote control link to a drone.It is part of GUARDION.The solution is optimized for countering the threats arising from radio-controlled (RC) drones. Through successful trials, deployments with key customers, involvement in protecting various important and public events as well as VIP persons, R&S®ARDRONIS has proven to be an effective technical approach.

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The Drone Defence System GUARDION combines customer specific, scalable solutions to the problem of detecting and defending against commercially available drones thus protecting the customer from the dangers emanating from their unauthorized use.GUARDION is a cooperation of ESG, Rohde & Schwarz and Diehl Defence, benefiting from their proven expertise in the fields of radar, radio detection and electro-magnetic countermeasures as well as sophisticated Command & Control Systems.

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Webinars & videos

Rohde & Schwarz is known for innovative high-quality products in drone monitoring and countermeasures. Learn more about countering radio-controlled drones by intercepting the radiocommunications link and detecting and capturing the direction of pilots and drones.

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