Perfect for education labs

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Deep roots in education

At Rohde & Schwarz, we are deeply rooted in the world of education. As a company founded by two PhD students, our journey began in the halls of academia. Our commitment to education has only grown stronger with time, and today, we proudly maintain partnerships with educational institutes worldwide, actively shaping the future of engineering education.

Complete instrument portfolio from Rohde & Schwarz

With decades of experience in producing innovative, market-leading test and measurement solutions. Our education portfolio covers a wide range of equipment for teaching labs: from the basics for introductory courses all the way to advanced instruments for student research

Digital Oscilloscopes

Navigate through the R&S®ESSENTIALS digital oscilloscope [portfolio and learn about test set-ups and application scenarios in the blog posts and hands-on videos here.

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DC power supplies

Explore our R&S®ESSENTIALS DC power supplies portfolio, learn more about bench power supplies application scenarios in hands-on sessions and blog posts

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Spectrum analyzers

Explore the R&S®ESSENTIALS spectrum analyzer portfolio, and learn more about test set-ups and application scenarios in hands-on videos and blogs.

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Meters and analyzers

Discover basic measurement instruments for every workbench. Explore our selection of digital multimeters, LCR meters, impedance analyzers and power analyzers.

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Complete courseware from Dreamcatcher

With five ready-to-teach packages in the areas of RF principles, EMC, antenna and radar applications we provide full courseware materials complete with presentation slides, lab sheets, assignments, and teaching kits.

ME1000 RF Circuit Design

  • Learning outcomes
    Understand RF circuit principles and apply on circuit analysis & design
    Perform RF circuit characterization measurements
  • Lab exercises
    RF circuit characterization on RF circuits such as Power Amp., LNA, Filters, Mixers, Frequency Synthesizer & Antenna
  • Target year of study
    For 3rd and final year undergraduate

ME1020 RF Principles and measurement

  • Learning outcomes
    Understand basic RF principles and conduct RF measurements using Spectrum Analyzer and Vector Network Analyzer accurately
  • Lab exercises
    Perform path loss calibrations
    Vector network analysis: S-parameters, gain compression & AM-PM conversion
    RF spectrum analysis: harmonics, intermodulation, isolation, gain & compression
  • Target year of study
    For 2nd or 3rd year undergraduate

ME1310 Antenna and propagation (3D)

  • Learning outcomes
    Perform antenna measurement and characterization
    Apply impedance matching techniques
  • Lab exercises
    Perform measurements on antenna impedance, radiation pattern, gain & polarization
    Free space propagation
    Comparison of antenna’s characteristic
  • Target year of study
    For 3rd and final year undergraduate

ME1400 EMI and EMC

  • Learning outcomes
    Identify sources of EMI
    Apply good PCB design practices
    Analyze interfering signals
  • Lab exercises
    Digital pulse spectra measurements
    Controlling crosstalk in Frequency & time domains perspective, controlling common impedance coupling and radiated emission
    PCB signal integrity analysis, transfer impedance measurement
  • Target year of study
    For 3rd and final year undergraduate

ME1500 Radar Principles and systems

  • Learning outcomes
    Distinguish and analyze various radar configurations
    Apply signal processing techniques for radar analysis
  • Lab exercises
    Analyze operations of CW, Doppler, FMCW. Linear Chirp Pulsed and Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave radars and measure radar cross section
    Radar signal signals generation and system analysis
  • Target year of study
    For 3rd and final year undergraduate
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About DreamCatcher

DreamCatcher was founded in 2002 to provide Technical Training to the Electrical and Electronics industry. With profitable growth and a highly experienced team of technical professionals, we have since expanded to serve other industries such as Telecommunication, Oil & Gas, and Life Sciences. In 2008, we started University Courseware to focus on providing teaching solutions for universities globally.