13 Results
Broadcast Standards for the SMCV100B Vector Signal Generator - Specifications
This application note describes the necessary settings in the user interface of the R&S® Broadcast Test Center BTC which supports the new “Next Generation Broadcast Standard ATSC 3.0” with BTC firmware version 2.20 and later.
27-Mar-2018 | AN-No. 1GP119
This application note explains a compact and versatile MIMO test solution for any common broadcast standard with real time fading including the simulation of channel correlation for a 1x4 MIMO system.
11-Oct-2017 | AN-No. 1GP114
This new all-in-one solution supports the generation and analysis of RF signals for all commonly used broadcast standards in one single instrument. This new all-in-one solution supports the generation and analysis of RF signals for all commonly used broadcast standards in one single instrument. The customized, cost-saving approach simplifies quality assurance in high-volume production.
This new all-in-one solution supports the generation and analysis of RF signals for all commonly used broadcast standards in one single instrument. This new all-in-one solution supports the generation and analysis of RF signals for all commonly used broadcast standards in one single instrument. The customized, cost-saving approach simplifies quality assurance in high-volume production.
Learn more about the R&S®SFC and how it supports all conventional digital and analog TV and audio broadcast standards.
Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates 5G Broadcast is ready for revenueRohde & Schwarz will show visitors at the Mobile World Congress 2024 (26 – 29 February, stand 5A80, Fira Gran Via Barcelona) a complete ecosystem for the revolutionary 5G Broadcast standard, delivering valuable new revenue streams for broadcasters and network operators. The presentation will emphasize that the system is ready for rollout and will show the pathways to additional revenues.
Rohde & Schwarz presents economy vector signal generator for the automotive, IoT and education sectorsRohde & Schwarz presents economy vector signal generator for the automotive, IoT and education sectors.
The SFU200A and SFE100 can be used to simulate the performance of many different types of receivers in the SFU200A and SFE100. This paper describes how to use these tools to simulate a correlated receiver using R&S®SFU.
19-Oct-2012 | AN-No. 7BM76
This application note highlights RF measurement challenges and introduces Rohde & Schwarz equipment required for RF characterization.
08-May-2017 | AN-No. 1MA275
Rohde & Schwarz getting started manual for the R&S®SFE broadcast tester. The compact solution for all major TV and broadcasting standards.
Rohde & Schwarz getting started manual for the R&S®SFE100 test transmitter. The compact solution for all major TV and broadcasting standards.