Automotive Ethernet other bus protocol testing

Automotive bus and protocol testing

Testing in-vehicle communications networks

CAN, CAN-FD, FlexRay, LIN and SENT are the most common technologies for in-vehicle communications networks. They have been in use for more than 20 years. Today, new standards and technologies are coming up, for instance pulse width modulated digital communications buses working on a single wire and running on data rates up to 250 kbaud. Lower weight, higher data rates, lower latency and easy debugging of failure sources are all crucial factors in achieving fast and cost-effective data communications within the car.

Your challenges

The signal quality is the key parameter for ensuring correct transfer of bus telegrams. But determining the source of failure or interference and troubleshooting these applications bring a wide range of challenges.

How do you ensure fast and exact debugging? How do you achieve high acquisition rates and high resolution frequency?

Testing other automotive bus systems

Oscilloscopes are used to determine failure sources in such applications. The R&S®RTx family is the right choice for easy decoding, triggering and debugging. You can trigger on various events, particular addresses or specific data patterns in messages. Our R&S®Scope Rider is the first handheld digital oscilloscope with isolated channels for in-depth troubleshooting of CAN/LIN buses that offers the performance and capabilities of a lab oscilloscope.

Benefits of our solutions

  • Decoding, triggering and searching with a single device
  • Digitized signal displayed with decoded content
  • Several event types for complete acqusition cycle

Related products

R&S®MXO 4 Oscilloscope

  • Bandwidth: 200 MHz - 1.5 GHz
  • World’s first oscilloscope with an update rate > 4.5 million waveforms per second
  • Industry-leading system architecture: 18-bit vertical resolution/12-bit ADC

Product information

Related resources for testing in-vehicle communications networks

CAN bus trigger and decode using the R&S®MXO4 oscilloscope
Application video: CAN bus trigger and decode using the R&S®MXO4 oscilloscope

Watch this video to get a practical demonstration of how to use the MXO4 oscilloscope’s CAN bus trigger and decode capability to debug CAN interfaces and busses.

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