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Language: EN
Trainer: Nellie Pang, Product Manager Vector Network Analyzers, Rohde & Schwarz
Webinar: Fundamentals of VNA measurements
This webinar is designed for engineers who need to characterize RF components such as cables, filters, and antennas, or wish to deepen their understanding of VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) measurements. The session will delve into the fundamentals of vector network analysis, offer a step-by-step walkthrough of a simple calibration process, and provide a demonstration of antenna measurement.
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- The fundamentals of VNA measurements
- What S-parameters are and how they are used to measure networks
- The technical concepts behind voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and return loss, as well as how these quantities are measured
- The importance of calibration in network analyzer measurements
- Basic concepts and procedures used in both one-port and two-port VNA calibration