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Mobile network testing

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5G NR and LTE latency analysis in a public network (part 1)

August 29, 2022 | by Meik Kottkamp

This article provides measurements results for both one-way latency (OWL) and round-trip times (RTT) in a commercially deployed, public 5G NSA network obtained using the commercially available Interactivity Test based on the QualiPoc Android solution for RTT from Rohde & Schwarz (prototype for OWL).

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5G mobile network testing using a passive network scanner (Part 2)

August 8, 2022 | by Corbett Rowell

Technical Background and Measurement Setup

In the previous introductory blog post: 5G mobile network testing using a passive network scanner (Part 1), we discussed why a dedicated scanner is necessary for accurate mobile network testing. This post explains the technical background and the setup of the measurements in FR1 and FR2.

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Coverage and performance testing of 5G private networks

July 8, 2022 | by Gregor Tomic

Private networks are becoming more important in various industries that, however, still seems to be in the trial phase with 5G and various use cases. Our experience with recent measurement campaigns shows that we still have a long way to go to meet the targets for latency and throughput in high traffic networks. Read our story to get more information about how to test the quality of private 5G networks.

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5G mobile network testing using a passive network scanner (Part 1)

June 23, 2022 | by Corbett Rowell


This new blog series emphasizes the importance of passive mobile network testing for the technology and deployment verification of 5G NR in the field and its future development. This introduction covers the main topics that will be detailed in later posts of this series.

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Dimensioning a mobile network benchmarking campaign

May 12, 2022 | by Nils Posegga

The Network Performance Score is used to benchmark networks against competitors over time and even across country boundaries. Rohde & Schwarz implementation in line with ETSI TR 103559 provides the tools needed for data collection and post processing. But what does the dimensioning of a campaign look like when it has representative and statistically reliable results?

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5G site testing and troubleshooting mobile networks

March 21, 2022 | by Peter Busch

Commercial 5G rollout is happening now and more and more 5G non-standalone (NSA) sites are being deployed. Existing LTE infrastructure is being converted into dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) hybrid sites supporting 5G. An increasing number of private regional 5G networks in standalone (SA) mode are going into trial phase.

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Interactivity test: Impact of changing network conditions on latency and jitter (part 5)

February 17, 2022 | by Jens Berger

Data transport latency has become a very – if not the most – important factor in interactive and real-time use cases for next-generation mobile networks. Real-time capability is not determined by how fast the packets are delivered but by which ones are received last. The following analyzes the distance data packets have to travel in mobile network channels when network conditions change.

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Testing can make Open RAN a success

January 31, 2022 | by Magnus Hylén

The biggest challenges the industry faces with Open RAN include the interoperability of different elements from different vendors and generating performance levels similar to those of single vendor networks. Extensive testing can help overcome these challenges.

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Procedures for mobile network testing and efficient data collection

November 22, 2021 | by Jens Berger

How is network performance tested and rated? The answer to this question is essential to mobile network operators, mobile infrastructure vendors, regulators and authorities responsible for ensuring telecommunication services meet performance standards.

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Interactivity test: Distance to server impact on latency and jitter (part 4)

September 28, 2021 | by Jens Berger

Data transport latency is a very – if not the most – important factor for interactive and real-time use cases in future mobile networks. Today the focus is often on maximizing bitrate and transport capacity for fast downloading, but future applications will require extremely low latency for real-time interactions.

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How network testing ensures high quality in-building LTE and 5G deployments

August 17, 2021 | by Adrian Maurer

The popularity of app services, particularly video streaming, among smartphone users is expected to result in a 10-fold increase in data consumption over the next five years. Most of today’s mobile data traffic is generated indoors and this trend is set to continue into the future. While indoor use certainly includes users’ homes, in this context it mostly concerns large offices, public buildings and commercial properties.

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Understanding and troubleshooting interference in 5G NR networks

July 22, 2021 | by Manuel Mielke

Interference is a complicated topic with manifold root causes and impacts on network performance. So, let's try to simplify the topic of interference by giving it some structure. In our last blog posts about network synchronization we learned a lot about internal interference, which comes from the network itself e.g. due to a lack of time synchronization. Now let's take a look at the second type of interference. It is called external interference.

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New e-book provides unparalleled insight into the 5G NR world

What's the status of 5G NR? What are the test and measurement requirements, and how do we approach them? Download our new e-book now and get unparalleled insight into the world of 5G NR.

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The world's first 5G NR network measurement solution

Rohde & Schwarz is pioneering 5G New Radio (5G NR) network measurements with the world's first commercially available 5G NR network measurement solution. This solution enables users in the 5G network ecosystem as well as regulators to measure the 5G NR network coverage accurately - one of the biggest challenges in the network planning.

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Pioneers in NB-IoT field measurements

We are paving the way to NB-IoT by provding the world's first accurate LTE/NB-IoT coverage measurement solution: via a software upgrade, the R&S ROMES drive test software now also supports NB-IoT coverage measurements with R&S TSMx scanners.

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