I am no longer able to run EMC32. The program stops during the starting process. If I take a look in the logfile, i can see the following content:
start: EMC32 modMain (Code) Main 12148
start: EMC32_DeviceList clsDeviceList (Code) Class_Initialize No Parameters 12148
start: EMC32_DeviceList clsDeviceList (Code) InitDeviceList 12148
start: EMC32_DeviceList clsDeviceList ReadRegInfo 12148
start: EMC32_Utilities utlUtilities (Code) utlGetAllRegValues Parameter=Devices\Amplifiers 12148
COM-Name: EMC32_Utilities
Errorclass: 1
Errornumber: 2113
Maindescription: Fehler beim Lesen eines Registry-Eintrages !
Description: Anwendungs- oder objektdefinierter Fehler
Errorline: 0
What can i do to make it work again?