Electromagnetic warfare
Proven electronic support solutions - from a single source
Electromagnetic warfare (EW) uses electronic equipment in military operations to assert friendly forces’ dominance of the electromagnetic operating environment while denying the adversary’s access to the same. One aspect of EW involves reconnaissance and surveillance of the electromagnetic environment to gain situational awareness, an activity traditionally called electromagnetic support measures (ESM), which can be further broken down into radar electromagnetic support measures (RESM) and communcations electromagnetic support measures (CESM).
Today, the branch of EW concerned with detection, direction finding, locating, interception, identification, recording and analysis of radar and communications signals is called electronic support (ES). Its purpose is to identify and evaluate threats, add detail to the situation picture, trigger countermeasures and gain intelligence during operations. Electronic support is a critical source of information for forward-deployed decision makers.
Rohde & Schwarz offers scalable strategic and tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems for various platforms (air / land / sea). These are available with exchangeable sensor subsystems for either manual or automatic ESM as well as SIGINT operations. The right solution for challenging and complex user requirements can be selected from a wide range of antennas, receivers, direction finders with multichannel signal processing, and analysis units.