5G and Beyond Week

5G and Beyond Week

November 1-5, 2021

Register now
Virtual Event
One hour sessions each day with live Q&A

5G and Beyond Week

5G is here. And if you’re involved with the design and testing of 5G devices, you’ll want to be sure to join us for a week of educational sessions covering many of the key aspects of 5G technology, its evolution and how testing is being impacted.

For one week, about one hour a day, we will be covering a single topic presented by our subject matter experts followed by a live Q&A session. We will also make available invaluable resources for each topic to make sure you’re fully equipped to tackle 5G’s many technical and testing challenges.

  • Monday, Nov 1: The Ongoing Evolution of 5G – Reiner Stuhlfauth
  • Tuesday, Nov 2: Let’s get ready for testing 5G terminals – Joerg Koepp
  • Wednesday, Nov 3: 5G IP throughput performance & 5G Voice over NR – Christian Hof
  • Thursday, Nov 4: OTA Day (2 presentations) – 5G over-the-air testing, Guenter Pfeifer & NR new OTA test metrics, Heinz Mellein
  • Friday, Nov 5: The path towards 6G – Taro Eichler

Please note: You only need to register once and may attend as many of the presentations as you like. You will also receive the on-demand link following the presentation.

And for those of you that register and attend live, we will be sending you a special “care package” as our gift for attending.*

We look forward to you joining us!

*Your package will be sent via FedEx and will arrive approximately 2 weeks after the event. US/Canada only.