
Efficient testing of multiport EW receivers

Presented by Leander Humbert, Robert Vielhuber, and Florian Gerbl

System and RF engineers today face ever increasing challenges and complexities when testing state-of-the-art multiport EW receivers. Generating real-life test signals in the lab is still the top goal when evaluating EW receivers.

In this webinar, the presenters demonstrate relevant multiport EW receivers testing challenges and leading-edge solutions to help you overcome the complexity of test scenarios and signals. Starting with the requirements of testing basic pulse processing in radar warning receivers (RWR), this webinar will also help us discuss and demonstrate the generation of phase coherent multi emitter signals without pulse dropping (pulse-on-pulse).

Together, we will prove the applicability of a scalable COTS RF radar signal simulator for comprehensive testing of multiport RWRs.

In this webinar, you will learn how to/ more about:

  • solutions for complex radar scenario and signal generation
  • generation of phase coherent multi-emitter signals
  • how to address test challenges of multiport Radar Warner Receiver (RWR)