Tests digitaler Designs

Tests digitaler Designs

Digital design testing

Digital design testing solutions for validating and debugging your designs

As technologies keep rapidly evolving, high-speed digital standards need to constantly adapt to stay ahead of the game and remain powerful. Electronic engineers are faced with designing and developing integrated circuit board architectures to fulfil these demanding requirements. Each generation of an electronic device also brings new challenges to the performance of your digital design. If you want to ensure that your digital system design meets the increasing standards and challenges, you need to test it at all stages of the product development cycle – from design to full compliance. Digital design testing solutions have to cover a wide range of design variations – e. g., interconnect products – and provide testing tools for numerous measurements like jitter tests.

Signal integrity and power integrity are essential for digital designs. Increasing data rates and shrinking supply voltages along with increasing integration densities, require lower jitter and noise limits for signals and clocks. They also lead to stronger impairments on the transmission channel such as frequency dependent loss, reflections and crosstalk, and intensify the effects of voltage sag and ground bounce on the power rails. Additionally, shrinking supply voltages continually reduce power rail disturbance tolerances, inducing jitter and amplitude noise on signals and clocks.

Testlösungen für digitale Designs


Testen Sie die Signalintegrität Ihrer Schnittstellen mit unseren Testlösungen.

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Testtools zur Verifizierung der Leistungsintegrität Ihres Systems und Leiterplattendesigns.

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Fehlersuche auf Protokollebene

Verifizieren und debuggen Sie digitale Systeme durch Triggern auf Protokollereignisse mit unseren Testlösungen.

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R&S RT-ZISO isolated probing system used together with MXO 5 oscilloscope.

Rohde & Schwarz presents R&S RT-ZISO isolated probing system for precise measurements of fast switching signals

Rohde & Schwarz has developed the R&S RT-ZISO isolated probing system, further elevating its cutting-edge oscilloscope portfolio. The new R&S RT-ZISO enables extremely accurate measurements of fast switching signals, especially in environments with high common-mode voltages and currents. Also new is the R&S RT-ZPMMCX passive probe with MMCX connector, which complements the isolated probe system perfectly for certain measurement tasks.

Webinar: Testing DP 1.4a / eDP 1.5 sources with oscilloscopes - PHY layer compliance

Webinar: Testing DP 1.4a / eDP 1.5 sources with oscilloscopes - PHY layer compliance

Broadcast date: July 10, 2024

This webinar is intended for engineers who work on high-speed digital design and test.


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