What is the difference between DKD, OeKD and ISO calibration
What is the difference between DKD, OeKD and ISO calibration
The calibration Rohde & Schwarz offers for TSEMF-B1 is usually a combined DKD/ISO calibration, i.e. ISO up to
200 MHz and DKD between 200 MHz and 3 GHz. TSEMF-B2 is a DKD calibration over the full range.
Both DKD and ISO calibrations are traceable to national standards and done by the same laboratory. For DKD, the measurement setup is also accredited.
DAkkS calibration is equivalent to DKD calibration. Due to a change in European legislation, the structure of the calibration organization has been changed and DKD laboratories will be transformed into DAkkS labs by the end of 2014.
If Rohde & Schwarz gets an earlier calibration date from an Austrian calibration lab, then an equivalent OeKD
calibration could also be performed.