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Find the information you need from Rohde & Schwarz. Search for products, technologies, applications, manuals, datasheets, tutorials, FAQs, and more.
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HMS, Specifications
The Hameg Value Service is an extra service proviede free of charge by Hameg Instruments GmbH.
List of HAMEG Products with 3 years warranty exention
The PVT360A is a VSG/VSA single box vector tester optimized for FR1 base station, small cell and RF component testing in production and characterization
EMI test receiver for quick, precise and compliant EMI measurements up to 30 MHz
Rohde & Schwarz HMF2525/HMF2550 arbitrary function generator: Accurate, versatile and affordable
Triggering and decoding of various MIPI highspeed signals (incl. D-PHY and M-PHY) on Rohde & Schwarz RTO and RTP oscilloscopes: Decoding using intuitive menu dialogs, detailed analysis, color-coded protocol fields, table display, etc.. Trigger on errors and other protocol-specific fields.
R&S®RTP and RTO oscilloscopes support decoding and triggering of aerospace protocols such as MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, SpaceWire. Find out more about the software package here.
The R&S SatCom instrument options are used to generate satellite communications signals in line with different SatCom standards.
The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator - a vector signal generator for complex, digitally modulated signals including high-quality MIMO fading up to 44 GHz.
The R&S®RTP and R&S®RTO oscilloscope supports serial triggering and decoding of Automotive Ethernet BroadR-Reach or 100BASE-T1. Explore the features now.
All Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of CAN and LIN buses, including CAN DBC file import. Explore the software now.
All Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of I²C, of 2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire SPI buses. Learn more about the I²C/SPI software here.
R&S®RTO/RTE oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of FlexRay buses, including FIBEX standard file import. Discover the FlexRay oscilloscope software.
All Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of the I²S audio standard, left and right justified and TDM signals. Learn more here.
The R&S®RTO and R&S®RTE oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of MDIO. Learn more about the MDIO triggering & decoding software here.
The R&S®RTO oscilloscope supports triggering and decoding of MIPI M-PHY physical layer and UniPro protocol layer. Learn more about the MIPI M-PHY software.
Rohde & Schwarz RTO/RTE/RTH oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding, including symbolic decoding with the SENT software option. Learn more here.
R&S®RTO2000,; R&S®RTO6 and R&S®RTP oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of PCI Express Gen 1.1 and 2.0 signals. Explore the PCIe 1.1/2.0 triggering and decoding software.
The R&S®RTP, R&S®RTO and R&S®RTE oscilloscopes support all data rates: high speed, full speed and low speed. Explore the triggering & decoding software here.
The R&S®RTO and R&S®RTE oscilloscopes support triggering and decoding of USB power delivery signals. Explore the triggering & decoding software here.
The R&S®RTO-K25 option offers an automated test solution for 2.5G/5GBASE-T Ethernet interfaces according to the IEEE test specification. Learn more.
The RTO-K89 & RTP-K89 options offer an automated test solution for 10BASE-T1S Ethernet according to IEEE 802.3cg test specification. Explore the software here.
The Rohde & Schwarz options support signal integrity debugging and automated compliance testing of DDR5/ LPDDR5, DDR4/ LPDDR4 and DDR3/ DDR3L/ LPDDR3 interfaces. Learn more.
The R&S®RTO-K92 option offers an automated test solution for eMMC interfaces according to JEDEC specification. Explore the eMMC compliance test software.
The R&S®RTO-K87 and R&S®RTP-K87 options offer an automated test solution for 1000BASE-T1 according to the IIEEE 802.3bp specification. Explore software here.
The R&S®RTP-K140/141 options enable the high-speed serial pattern trigger function with a maximum nominal data rate of 8 Gbps or 16 Gbps. More info.
The R&S advanced trigger oscilloscope software enables unprecedented trigger & decode capability in a handheld oscilloscope. Find out now!