188 Results
Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology and Measurements
03-Jun-2013 | AN-No. 1MA182
The R&S RTO / R&S RTE digital oscilloscope is a valuable tool for analyzing EMI problems in electronic designs. High input sensitivity, high dynamic range and a powerful FFT implementation are key features for capturing and analyzing unwanted emissions
Increasing demands on power distribution networks have resulted in smaller DC rails, as well as a proliferation of rails that ensure clean power reaches the pins of integrated circuits.
Selecting your next oscilloscope: Why fast update rate matters | 选择下一代示波器: 为什么更高的波形捕获率很重要 - White Paper Brochures and Data Sheets White Paper
本白皮书包含以下内容:- 模拟和数字触发架构 - 数字触发示波器的优势 - 如何辨别数字或模拟触发示波器
This document provides: - An explanation of analog versus digital triggering architectures - User advantages for oscilloscopes that have digital triggering - How to determine if an oscilloscope has a digital or analog trigger
This document provides: - An explanation of update rate - How users can quickly perform their own update rate characterization - How to compare vendor update rates - Benefits of fast update rate
Verifying power integrity for DDR memories - The R&S ® RT-ZPR20 power rail probe is a specialized oscilloscope probe for very low-noise measurements on power.
Measure and analyze signals with the R&S®FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyzer platform in collaboration with an R&S®RTO Digital Oscilloscope.
16-Jun-2015 | AN-No. 1EF92
The demand having a snubber circuit in the power supply topology leads to specific verification methods during the design which are the main focus within this document.
23-Jun-2021 | AN-No. 1SL363
Verify the energy efficiency of your O-RAN radio units
Importance of deep memory in digital oscilloscopes - Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes offer industry-leading memory depth.
The R&S®RTP and R&S®RTO oscilloscopes are capable of characterizing high speed datacom interfaces and performing in-depth signal integrity analysis.
Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) bridges the gap between communications systems and classic radar systems. Despite the increasing capabilities of mobile communications, SSR remains a major component in airspace surveillance.
For system verification and debugging, eye diagram measurements are the most important tools for efficiently analyzing the signal integrity in any digital design
Rohde & Schwarz empowers launch of 4D imaging radar platform by automotive radar manufacturer Cubtek in partnership with NXPCubtek Inc. is using network analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz in the development of 4D imaging radar for RF measurement of the E-band. Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes and their independently developed, application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) provide the best measurement tools for automotive radar research and development.
This application note focusses on signal measurement using the R&S®RTO digital oscilloscopes ant the output of I/Q data for processing.
18-Oct-2016 | AN-No. 1MA249
Rohde & Schwarz showcases its market-leading, reliable EMC test solutions at EMV in CologneAt the EMC event EMV in Cologne, Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates a comprehensive range of EMC test and measurement solutions – ranging from standalone instruments and software to application-specific systems. As a highlight, the company unveils an important enhancement to the R&S ESW EMI test receiver, the new 1GHz bandwidth extension. The Rohde & Schwarz solutions are on display from July 12 to 14, 2022 at the Cologne exhibition center, hall 10.2, booth 112.
This application note describes two test solutions from R&S® to cope with the 5G FR1 downlink MIMO signal analysis challenges either using R&S®RTP/RTO oscilloscope or R&S®NRQ6 frequency selective power sensor.
26-Jun-2020 | AN-No. GFM343
Testing LTE MIMO Signals using a R&S RTO Oscilloscope
24-Apr-2013 | AN-No. 1EF86
Embedded world 2023: Rohde & Schwarz showcases its state-of-the-art test solutions for embedded systemsEmbedded systems are at the core of today’s electronic devices, whether in consumer electronics, telecommunications, industrial, medical, automotive or aerospace applications. Flawless operation is crucial, and engineers face complex challenges when designing ever more compact embedded systems which meet today’s demands of efficiency, safety, reliability and interoperability. Rohde & Schwarz addresses these challenges with its wide-ranging test and measurement solutions showcased at the embedded world Exhibition & Conference 2023 in Nuremberg.
With the RTO-K17/RTE-K17 High Definition Option the user will see more signal details with up to 16 bit vertical resolution.
13-Apr-2015 | AN-No. 1TD06
Models: R&S®RTO-K26, R&S®RTO6-K26, R&S®RTP-K26, R&S®RTO-K27, R&S®RTO6-K27, R&S®RTP-K27
This guide covers the most important aspects of selecting an oscilloscope and provides you with the knowledge to make the best choice for your needs.
This document provides: - A description of how oscilloscope acquisition memory is defined - Insight into the relationship between memory and other oscilloscope parameters - Examples where deep memory provides value
本指南将介绍以下内容:- 示波器采集存储的定义 - 存储和其他示波器参数的关系 - 深存储的作用示例
This application note explains how to measure the oscilloscope ENOB and shows results for the R&S®RTO for different settings.
13-May-2011 | AN-No. 1ER03
This application note describes Battery Life Measurements with the R&S®RT-ZVC02/04 Multi-Channel Probe. The measurements are described with the use of an oscilloscope.
17-Jan-2019 | AN-No. 1TD07
Oscilloscope innovation. Measurement confidence. | オシロスコープの革新、測定の核心に迫る。 - Flyer Brochures and Data Sheets Flyer
The application fields of oscilloscopes extend to EMI debugging because of their powerful and easy-to-use FFT analysis capabilities– and save time and money.