R&S®EVSF1000 VHF/UHF Nav/Flight Analyzer

Take flight with confidence

R&S®EVSF1000 VHF/UHF Nav/Flight Analyzer
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R&S®EVSF1000 VHF/UHF Nav/Flight Analyzer
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R&S®EVSF1000 VHF/UHF Nav/Flight Analyzer
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R&S®EVSF1000 VHF/UHF Nav/Flight Analyzer
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R&S®EVSF1000, front view R&S®EVSF1000, front high R&S®EVSF1000, side view R&S®EVSF1000, front view

Key Facts

  • High-precision analysis of ILS, GBAS, VOR, MB and ATC COM ground systems
  • In line with ICAO Doc. 8071 and ICAO Annex 10
  • High dynamic range of > 130 dB, precise modulation depth measurements
  • High sensitivity for coverage measurements
  • 2 identical signal processing units for simultaneous LOC and GP measurement

Stay on course with the ultimate testing and measurement solution for flight navigation systems

The R&S®EVSF1000 is a signal level and modulation analyzer for installation in flight inspection aircraft. It performs measurements on ILS, VOR and marker beacon ground stations during startup, maintenance and servicing and analyzes ATC COM signals. The mechanical and electrical instrument design and high sensitivity make it ideal for state-of-the-art flight inspection. The R&S®EVSF1000 also makes specialized flight inspections of terrestrial navigation systems.

Features & benefits

Excellent performance for flight inspection

  • Level measurements with utmost accuracy
  • Outstanding input sensitivity, efficient preselector
  • Precision modulation analysis in real time
  • Reliable measurement of identifier parameters

Highly customizable

Perfectly suited for specific missions

  • Simultaneous analysis of course and clearance signals (R&S®EVSG-K1);
  • Detailed analysis of VOR and marker beacon signals (R&S®EVSG-K2, R&S®EVSG-K3);
  • Testing of ground based augmentation systems (GBAS/SCAT-I) for satellite navigation (R&S®EVSG-K4, R&S®EVSG-K5);
  • ATC COM signal analysis (R&S®EVSG-K6);
  • Integrated data recording
  • High measurement rate
  • RF spectrum analysis (R&S®EVSG-K10);
  • AF spectrum analysis (R&S®EVSG-K11);
  • I/Q data streaming (R&S®EVSG1-K25);

Tailored to flight inspection applications

  • Easy integration into flight inspection aircraft (R&S®EVSF1-B4);
  • Reliable bridging of short-term interruptions in the on-board power supply
  • Compact, robust, lightweight
  • Detailed analyses in line with ICAO requirements
  • Simple remote control
  • Maintenance, repair and service

Available options

Hardware options

Order Number 1330.1404.02


Slide-in option

Factory fitted (retrofit not possible)

Software options

Order Number 1329.9005.02


ILS CRS/CLR analysis

The R&S®EVSG‑K1 option makes it possible to measure both carriers of a dual-frequency (2F) ILS system independently and simultaneously.


Order Number 1329.9011.02


VOR analysis

In combination with the R&S®EVSG‑K2 option, the R&S®EVSD1000 analyzes characteristic parameters such as the bearing and modulation of VOR systems


Order Number 1329.9028.02


Marker beacon analysis

The R&S®EVSG-K3 option determines the modulation and frequency values of marker beacon systems.


Order Number 1329.9034.02


GBAS analysis

The R&S®EVSG-K4 software option allows users to test VHF data broadcast (VDB) of GBAS ground based satellite navigation systems.


Order Number 1329.9040.02


SCAT-I analysis


Order Number 1329.9057.02


COM analysis

The R&S®EVSG-K6 option analyzes the level, frequency and modulation (AM and FM) of ATC COM signals.


Order Number 1329.9163.02


LF analysis


Order Number 1329.9063.02


RF spectrum analysis

With the R&S®EVSG‑K10 option, the R&S®EVSD1000 can display the input signal’s RF spectrum in the 70 MHz to 410 MHz range.


Order Number 1329.9070.02


AF spectrum analysis

Baseband analysis to identify harmonics and intermodulation products.


Order Number 1329.9157.02


I/Q data streaming

IQ data recording and streaming for ILS, VOR MB, COM, and GBAS (software license) 


Order Number 1330.1410.02


Tray with mating connector

For R&S®EVSF1000 with R&S®EVSF1-B4 option


Order Number 1330.1427.02


Service adapter with mating connector

For R&S®EVSF1000 with R&S®EVSF1‑B4 option


Order Number 1329.8921.02


Verification test software

Performance verification of EVSG, EVSF  and EVSD by PC-software. The necessary measurement devices and the cabling are described in the service manual. 


Order Number 0240.2193.10


Documentation of calibration values

Documentation of calibration values Delivery on CD 


Order Number 1330.0289.02


Spare external power supply (100 V to 240 V)

External power supply for EVSG1000,  EVSF1000 and EVSD1000 

EVSG teaser

PRECISION AT EVERY LEVEL - We deliver high-accuracy, high-speed measurements for efficient servicing of air navigation and communication systems

Rohde & Schwarz offers an extensive portfolio of portable signal level and modulation analyzers, specifically designed to commission and service ILS, VOR, and marker beacon ground stations, and analyze ATC COM signals. The navigation analyzers deliver high-accuracy, high-speed measurements for efficient servicing of air navigation and communication systems. We offer a range of designs and shapes, so you can choose the analyzer that best fits your needs and preferences.

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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.