R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver

Speed. Flexibility. Compliance.

R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver
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R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver
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R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver
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R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver
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R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver
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R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver
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R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver, front low R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver, front high R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver, side view R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver, back high R&S®EPL EMI test receiver, side view R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver

Key Facts

  • Preselection filters
  • Time domain scan
  • Tracking generator
  • Battery operation
  • Pulse protected input

Quick, precise and compliant EMI measurements up to 30 MHz.

The R&S®EPL1000 fully complies with CISPR16-1-1. The very fast time domain scan can check the complete CISPR bands A or B in a single shot. Built-in preselection ensures a high dynamic range and enables the acquisition of short pulses. The R&S®EPL1000 offers 4-channel click rate analysis, a spectrogram function, IF analysis and further functions for detailed analysis. Automation simplifies measurements and ensures exact reproducibility of test sequences. These and many more functions make the R&S®EPL1000 ideal for conducted voltage and current measurements. Typical applications include precompliance measurements, precertification and certification in line with IEC, EN, CISPR and FCC.

Features & benefits

Precise identification of EMI

Precise and standard-compliant EMI identification

The R&S®EPL1000 meets CISPR 16-1-1 requirements and also supports the decadic 6 dB bandwidths required by MIL-STD-461 and DO-160. The R&S®EPL1000 can be used to develop and certify a wide range of electrical products. Features include:

  • EMI detectors and bandwidth 
  • Preselection filters
  • Automatic signal level adaptation 
  • Limit line display and checking
  • Report generation

Report generation
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Report generation

Layout definition and preview of test report

Time domain scan

Fast measurement with time domain scan

The R&S®EPL1000 can measure an entire CISPR band (A or B) in a single shot, for much shorter total measurement times. Highly parallelized measurements enable longer gap-less checks of relatively large frequency segments and reliable and fast detection of sporadic emissions.

One shot per CISPR band
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One shot per CISPR band

Parallelization of measurement within the CISPR bands 


  • Automatic measurement of multiple frequency segments with individual settings
  • Automatic measurement of multiple lines connected to a Rohde & Schwarz LISN
  • Automatic preview and final measurement sequence instead of the final detector with time domain scan 

Automatic measurement example
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Automatic measurement example

Measurement of A and B bands for neutral and live lines.

EMI analysis

Comprehensive EMI analysis functions

The extensive analysis features include 

  • 4-channel click rate analysis
  • Bar graph - level at a frequency
  • Spectrogram - level versus frequency and time
  • Zero span - level at a frequency versus time
  • IF analysis
  • AM/FM output
  • Spectrum analysis functions

Measurement example with spectrogram
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Measurement example with spectrogram

Visualization of different EUT operating modes

Available options

Hardware options

Order Number 1350.4073.02


Internal generator 5 kHz to 30 MHz


Order Number 1350.4450.02


Replacement SSD including controller unit


Order Number 1323.1902.02


OCXO accurate reference frequency

High precision frequency reference


Order Number 1323.1890.02


GPIB interface

Additional interface for remote control by GPIB, plug-in unit


Order Number 1323.1877.02


DC Power supply for 12/24 V supply


Order Number 1323.1725.02


Li-Ion battery pack

Software options

Order Number 1350.4067.02


IF analysis


Order Number 1323.1731.02


AM/FM/PM analog modulation analysis

Modulation analysis for analog (AM, FM, PM) modulated single carrier signals
(For use in ZNL, ZNLx-B1 is required)


Order Number 1350.4509.02


Click rate analyzer


Order Number 1350.4309.02


Soft carrying bag for transport and outdoor operation


Order Number 1350.4315.02


H-style shoulder harness (requires R&S®EPL1-Z2 option)


Order Number 1323.1677.02


Spare battery pack


Order Number 1350.4321.02


19" rackmount kit


Order Number 1321.3950.02


Charger for R&S®FSV-B32 lithium-ion battery pack


Order Number 1107.2087.03


Control Cable, 3 m

from R&S®ESU/ESCI/ESPI/ESIB/ESxS/EPL1000 and FPL1000 to R&S®AMN6500/ENV216/ENV432/ENV4200


Order Number 1107.2087.10


Control Cable, 10 m

from R&S®ESU/ESCI/ESPI/ESIB/ESxS/EPL1000 and FPL1000 to R&S®AMN6500/ENV216/ENV432/ENV4200 


Order Number 0240.2193.09


Documentation of calibration values

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