CERTIUM Management

Easy-to-use centralized management

CERTIUM Management
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CERTIUM Management, front view

Key Facts

  • Easy management of distributed voice and radio systems
  • Clear system overview by monitoring of the entire environment.
  • Simplified operation using industry standard servers or virtual environment

Brief description

Easy-to-use centralized management of VCS and radios provides a real-time view of the system and enables central system configuration and software management.

Using multiple configurations, the system can be easily switched over to new parameters but also rolled back if needed. Central monitoring and reporting make the work of the system administrators much more efficient.

In the CERTIUM portfolio there are two management systems available, R&S®RCMS II and R&S®VCMS. The R&S®RCMS II allows monitoring of the entire ecosystem and provides the entire radio management and configuration. The R&S®VCMS provides the monitoring of the entire ecosystem and integrated the management of the CERTIUM VCS and Gateways components. 

Available options


VCS control and monitoring server


Radio control and monitoring system

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