Ultrabroadband antenna for EMI and EMS applications

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Side view of R&S HL562E R&S®HL562E without movable tripod R&S HL562Z1 vertically polarized R&S®HL562E with movable tripod R&S HL562Z1 horizonatlly polarized R&S®HL562E with movable tripod R&S HL562Z1 horizonatlly polarized R&S®HL562E with movable tripod R&S HL562Z1 vertically polarized

Key facts

  • Wide frequency range
  • Suitable for immunity tests and emission measurements
  • No change of antennas needed throughout the entire frequency range
  • High gain, low antenna factor
  • Compact size, low weight

Ultrabroadband antenna for EMI and EMS applications

The R&S®HL562E combines the characteristics of biconical and log-periodic antennas. The R&S®HL562E ULTRALOG antenna is used for measuring emissions and EMS purposes in a wide frequency range from 30 MHz to 6000 MHz. Measurement times are considerably reduced since the antennas do not need to be changed. The symmetry and matching (VSWR) of the R&S®HL562E allow its use in EMS measurements that require field strengths of 10 V/m or higher. The antenna’s compact size and low weight ensure easy handling and make it ideal for use in test chambers.

Features & benefits

No need to change antenna from 30 MHz to 6 GHz

For faster measurements

There is no need to change the antenna throughout the entire frequency range, so measurement time is much lower and the measurement throughput higher.

Symmetry of radiation patterns

Easy change of polarization

The antenna design is such that the radiation patterns in the E and H plane are practically rotationally symmetric from 200 MHz to 6 GHz, enabling polarization change without any effect on radiation characteristics.

Immunity tests and emission measurements

One antenna - two applications

The antenna is suitable for EMI and EMS applications. Since only one antenna is needed for both applications, the overall costs are lower.

High antenna gain and low antenna factor

For precise measurements

The R&S®HL562E combines the characteristics of a biconical and a log-periodic antenna. The log-periodic part is V-shaped for high antenna gain. High antenna gain and low antenna factor generate good measurement results.

Available options

General accessories

Movable tripod

Movable tripod for HL562 and HL562E ultralog antenna


Attenuator, 4 dB, 2 W (HAIMP in line with ANSI C63.4)

Attenuator 4 dB DC to 12,4 GHz N-male/N-female

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