Spectrum Monitoring Vehicle

Verification of license-compliant operation

Measuring and verifying technical parameters of transmitters

The urge for wider coverage or higher transfer rate sometimes motivate network operators to turn the technical parameters of transmitters up to the limits or even beyond. But also, faulty devices or misconfigured equipment can induce transmissions outside of their licensed values. In order to avoid harmful interference and protect the regulated use of the radio frequencies, authorities need to detect and follow up the spectrum violations.

Rohde & Schwarz spectrum monitoring solutions can perform measurement of all parameters stated in the license, including radiated power and coverage of single transmitters. This way authorities gain necessary, sustainable information required in order to show the transmitter or network operators their limits.

Deviating parameters

Deviating parameters

Discrepancies between actual values and licensed data can cause interference to other users. Therefore, the Rohde & Schwarz spectrum monitoring systems check automatically all relevant signal parameters, such as bandwidth, modulation and deviation from licensed center frequency. Moreover, the systems even verify field-strengths in order to recognize impermissible overreach of transmitters.

Reference value matching

Reference value matching

The Rohde & Schwarz monitoring stations provide open interfaces for accessing all common spectrum management databases. This allows them retrieving transmitter data within the coverage areas. Then the monitoring stations can measure the actual transmitter values and match them against the listed data. This automatic violation detection process is recommendable to be performed at monitoring stations when they are not in use for more decisive measurements.

Spectrum enforcement

Spectrum enforcement

The Rohde & Schwarz spectrum monitoring stations can give alarms and mark the deviations in the measurement results, where violations are found. This allows operators for closer examination of the noncompliant signals. Finally, the systems support them in preparing and issuing reports, comprising evidence of the noncompliant signals in order to follow up enforcement procedures.

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