Power supplies

Versatility and reliability: DC power supplies for your unique needs

Power supplies and source measure units from Rohde & Schwarz

A broad selection of solutions - from the laboratory bench to industrial uses

To help you carry out your test and measurement tasks safely, with ease and accuracy, you need solutions with versatile and realiable power sources. Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide selection of laboratory DC power supplies for various purposes, from test bench power supplies in an educational lab to industrial purposes during production test. Designed with the user in mind and manufactured to the highest standards, find the right instruments to suit your requirements.

We also produce fast and safe, high-resolution ADCMT source measure units (SMUs) for electronic component DC characterization. SMUs by Rohde & Schwarz give you the confidence to perform measurements with safe operation of sensitive electronic components.

Power supplies FAQ

What is a power supply?

A power supply converts a 100-115 or 220-230 Volt AC (alternating current) to a low voltage DC (direct current) to power analog or digital power supplies with the right voltage and current.

What power supply do I need?

The right power supply decision depends highly on your application and power requirements. Besides operating in the desired power range, power supplies can have many comfort functions from build-in measurements, data acquisition, arbitrary waveforms up to battery simulation features. Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide portfolio of DC power supplies to meet your individual needs.

How a power supply works?

Sometimes also called an electric power converter, a power supply converts the electric current from a source such as regular electrical grid into the voltage required by the instrument using power.

What is a source measure unit?

Also known as source monitor unit or SMU, a source measure unit is a T&M instrument capable of both sourcing and measuring power. Many SMUs also support four-quadrant operation (sourcing and sinking voltage and current) and exceptionally high measurement accuracy.

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